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Rieko Kizawa, Keita Shinogaya. Determinants of the Junior High School Students' Motivation for Learning English : Focusing on Motivation and Perceived Goals in Elementary School Foreign Language Class. Kate Journal. 2023. 37. 57-70
座談会企画 川越キャンパス発 : コロナ禍における教職科目担当者の奮闘-What and how the faculty members in charge of teaching profession have thought, directed, and coped with the COVID-19 disaster to maintain their ordinary teaching? : A roundtable discussion in Kawagoe campus. 2022. 4. 45-55
Rieko Kizawa, Keita Shinogaya. An Attempt to Develop Students' Basic Literacy Skills. JASTEC Journal. 2021. 40. 215-230
KIZAWA Rieko. The effect of teaching synthetic phonics to Japanese schoolchildren: 児童の非単語反復及びデコーディング力に着目して-. KATE Journal. 2018. 32. 71-84
, 日本教育工学会
, The Japan Association for the Study of Teaching English to Children
, 関東甲信越英語教育学会
, Japan Society of English Language Education
, Japanese Association of Educational Psychology