J-GLOBAL ID:202201002435605170
Update date: Sep. 28, 2024
Nagai Satoko
ナガイ サトコ | Nagai Satoko
Research field (1):
Early childhood education and childcare
Research keywords (5):
, 保育における音楽活動の史的展開
, 音楽教育史
, 乳幼児期の音楽表現
, 領域「表現」
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
- 2023 - 2026 Reexamining the History of the Practice of Music Activities in Postwar Childcare: Focusing on the Era of the Domain Musical Rhythm
- 2023 - 2026 Research on Narrative Co-Creation Process in Children's Participation in Cultural Practice: Through Visualization of Musicality
- 2015 - 2019 Significance of experiencing traditional Japanese music in the development of expression during early childhood
- 2013 - 2016 Establishing an Early Childhood Program on Musical Instrumental Activity
- 2012 - 2015 Comprehensive research into musical activities at kindergartens in prewar Japan
- 2009 - 2010 音楽と身体の関係性に関する歴史的研究-戦前期幼稚園における「遊戯」の理念と実践-
- 2008 - 2010 A Study on the Formative Period of Music Education in Primary Schools at the Beginning of the Showa Era.
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Papers (19):
ナガイ, サトコ. The Exploratory Development of Musical Activities by Makio Ohba and his Toho Kindergarten : From Foundation (1955) to around 1989. 2023. 59. 21-36
今川 恭子, 市川 恵, 長井 覚子, 伊原 小百合. 乳幼児と養育者の音楽的コミュニケーションにみるナラティヴの諸様相 : 音楽的発達の一側面としての三項関係への移行-Aspects of Narratives in Musical Communication between Infants and Their Caregivers : Transition to Triadic Relationships as an Aspect of Musical Development. 聖心女子大学論叢 = Seishin studies / 聖心女子大学 編. 2022. 140. 190-172
長井 覚子. 戦後保育における音楽活動に関する研究動向 : その課題と今後の展望. 音楽教育研究ジャーナル / 東京芸術大学音楽教育学研究会 編. 2022. 56. 15-25
中山, 正雄, 瀧口, 優, 花原, 幹夫, 小松, 歩, 源, 証香, 長井, 覚子, 佐藤, 文, 宮崎, 佑介. 短期大学における保育者養成の在り方に関する研究調査 -短期大学 2 年間で専門職を育てるための養成教育改革を提言する-. 白梅学園大学・白梅学園短期大学 子ども学研究所 研究年報. 2021. 26. 64-65
長井, 覚子, 源, 証香, 松永, 静子, 村上, 博文, 汐見, 稔幸. 戦後、昭和の時代を創造したリーダーたちのライフストーリー研究. 白梅学園大学・白梅学園短期大学 子ども学研究所 研究年報. 2020. 25. 56-57
Education (3):
- 2007 - 2011 Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Music Doctor's Program in Music Course
- 2005 - 2007 Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Music Master's Program in Division of Musicology and Music Studies
- 2001 - 2005 Tokyo University of the Arts Faculty of Music Musicology
Work history (14):
- 2024/09 - 現在 University of the Sacred Heart
- 2018/04 - 現在 Shiraumegakuen College The Department of Child Education and Welfare
- 2013/04 - 現在 Shiraumegakuen University
- 2023/05 - 2024/03 白梅学園大学 子ども学部子ども学科 非常勤講師
- 2013/04 - 2024/03 Shiraumegakuen University
- 2021/09 - 2022/03 Jissen Women's University Human Life Science Department of Studies on Lifestyle Management
- 2013/04 - 2018/03 Shiraumegakuen College The Department of Child Education and Welfare
- 2012/09 - 2013/03 Kyoritsu Women's University Faculty of Home Economics Department of Child Studies
- 2011/04 - 2013/03 Shiraumegakuen College The Department of Child Education and Welfare
- 2011/04 - 2013/03 Tokyo University of the Arts
- 2012/08 - 2012/09 Meisei University
- 2012/04 - 2012/09 Japan Women's University Faculty of Human Sciences and Design Department of Child Studies
- 2008/04 - 2012/03 Japan Women's University Faculty of Human Sciences and Design Department of Child Studies
- 2009/04 - 2011/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
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Awards (1):
- 2011/03 - 東京藝術大学 大学院アカンサス音楽賞
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