J-GLOBAL ID:202201002929347246   Update date: Oct. 15, 2024

Azami Keishiro

アザミ ケイシロウ | Azami Keishiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Research Scientist
Research field  (1): Solid earth science
Research keywords  (3): Ferromanganese crust / nodule ,  Submarine hydrothermal activity ,  Paleoenvironment
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2018 - 2021 Establishment of ferromanganese crust stratigraphy: from environment change to plate motion
Papers (8):
  • Keishiro Azami, Tokio Doshita, Kanta Koyama, Shiki Machida, Kentaro Nakamura, Yasuhiro Kato, Etsuo Uchida. Formation of hydrothermal ferromanganese oxides in the Daini-Nishi-Yamato Seamount, Sea of Japan: Do they really contain critical-metal particles?. Ore Geology Reviews. 2024
  • Keishiro Azami, Kanta Koyama, Shiki Machida, Kyoko Okino, Kazutaka Yasukawa, Yasuhiro Kato, Etsuo Uchida. Formation of hydrothermal ferromanganese oxides from the Daigo-Kume Knoll in the middle Okinawa Trough, Japan. Marine Geology. 2023. 463. 107117-107117
  • Keishiro Azami, Shiki Machida, Naoto Hirano, Kentaro Nakamura, Kazutaka Yasukawa, Tetsu Kogiso, Masao Nakanishi, Yasuhiro Kato. Hydrothermal ferromanganese oxides around a petit-spot volcano on old and cold oceanic crust. Communications Earth & Environment. 2023. 4. 1
  • Kazutaka Yasukawa, Yasuhiro Kato. Geochemistry of ferromanganese nodules in the soil of Okinawa Island, Japan: Paleoclimatic implications and discrimination scheme of the nodule origins. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X. 2022. 8. 100127-100127
  • Keishiro Azami, Naoto Hirano, Jun-Ichi Kimura, Qing Chang, Hirochika Sumino, Shiki Machida, Kazutaka Yasukawa, Yasuhiro Kato. 87Sr/86Sr Isotopic Ratio of Ferromanganese Crusts as a Record of Detrital Influx to the Western North Pacific Ocean. Minerals. 2022. 12. 8. 943-943
MISC (5):
  • Azami, Keishiro, Shiki Machida, Naoto Hirano, Kentaro Nakamura, Kazutaka Yasukawa, Tetsu Kogiso, Masao Nakanishi, Yasuhiro Kato. X-ray diffraction intensities of the hydrothermal ferromanganese oxides obtained from a petit-spot volcano. figshare. 2023
  • 浅見慶志朗, 町田嗣樹, 平野直人, 中村謙太郎, 安川和孝, 小木曽哲, 加藤泰浩, 加藤泰浩. Process of hydrothermal activity estimated from independent component analysis. 日本地質学会学術大会(Web). 2022. 129th
  • 青柳颯汰, 大田隼一郎, 大田隼一郎, 矢野萌生, 見邨和英, 浅見慶志朗, 野崎達生, 野崎達生, 野崎達生, 野崎達生, et al. Elucidating the timing and characteristics of a growth hiatus of the Minamitorishima ferromanganese nodules based on age dating through Os isotope stratigraphy and elemental mapping using μXRF. 日本地質学会学術大会(Web). 2022. 129th
  • 石井輝秋, 金子誠, 平野直人, 町田嗣樹, 松本亜沙子, 秋澤紀克, 佐藤勇輝, 油谷拓, 油谷拓, 浅見慶志朗, et al. Dredge cruise on petit-spot volcanoes and IODP drilling earth science-Great discovery: explosion crater (Maar) in the abyssal plane, off Tohoku-. 日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web). 2020. 2020
  • 石井 輝秋, 金子 誠, 平野 直人, 町田 嗣樹, 松本 亜沙子, 秋澤 紀克, 佐藤 勇輝, 油谷 拓, 浅見 慶志朗, 桂木 悠希, et al. 「新青丸」KS-18-9航海,プチスポット火山ドレッジ研究速報と展望 : 歴史的大発見 : 東北沖太平洋超深海底の爆裂火口(マール)-Quick report of the R/V Shinsei-maru KS-18-9 dredge cruise on petit-spot volcanoes : Historical great discovery : explosion crater (Maar) in the Pacific abyssal plane, off Tohoku. 公益財団法人深田地質研究所年報 = Annual report. 2019. 20. 105-128
Lectures and oral presentations  (14):
  • Geochemistry of hydrothermal ferromanganese oxides from Daigo-Kume Knoll in the Okinawa Trough
    (JpGU Meeting 2023 2023)
  • Geochemistry of terrestrial ferromanganese nodules in soils as a potential paleoclimate indicator
    (JpGU Meeting 2023 2023)
  • プチスポット火山による海洋地殻に対する熱水変質の影響
    (日本地球化学会 第69回年会 2022)
  • 独立成分分析に基づく低温熱水活動の推移
    (日本地質学会 第129年学術大会 2022)
  • Geochemical features of Fe-Mn micronodules in deep-sea sediments around Minamitorishima Island: Potential for co-product metal extraction from REY-rich mud
Education (3):
  • 2018 - 2022 The University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Engineering Department of System Innovation
  • 2016 - 2018 Tohoku University Graduate School of Science Department of Earth Science
  • 2014 - 2016 Tohoku University Faculty of Science Division of Earth and Planetary Materials Sciences
Professional career (3):
  • Ph.D. (Engineering) (The University of Tokyo)
  • Master of Science (Tohoku University)
  • Bachelor of Science (Tohoku University)
Work history (2):
  • 2024/04 - 現在 Chiba Institute of Technology Ocean Resources Research Center of Next Generation Research Scientist
  • 2022/04 - 2024/04 Waseda University Department of Resources and Environmental Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Awards (4):
  • 2019/03 - ブルーアースサイエンス・テク2019 若手奨励賞
  • 2017/03 - ブルーアースサイエンス・テク2017 若手奨励賞
  • 2011/09 - International Earth Science Olympiad Silver medal
  • 2011/06 - Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee Grand prize
Association Membership(s) (3):
The Geochemical Society of Japan ,  日本地質学会 ,  Japan Geoscience Union
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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