J-GLOBAL ID:202201007078006698   Update date: Jun. 24, 2023


ホリナガ シュウジ | HORINAGA SHUJI
Affiliation and department:
Job title: posdoc
Papers (6):
  • Shuji Horinaga. On the classification of $(\mathfrak{g},K)$-modules generated by nearly holomorphic Hilbert-Siegel modular forms and projection operators. ANNALES MATHEMATIQUES DU QUEBEC. 2022
  • Shuji Horinaga, Ameya Pitale, Abhishek Saha, Ralf Schmidt. The special values of the standard $L$-functions for $\mathrm{GSp}_{2n} \times \mathrm{GL}_1. 2021
  • Shuji Horinaga. Nearly holomorphic automorphic forms on Sp(2n) with sufficiently regular infinitesimal characters and applications. PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. 2020. 316. 1. 81-129
  • Shuji Horinaga. Constructions of nearly holomorphic Siegel modular forms of degree two. International Journal of Mathematics. 2020. 31. 01. 2050002-2050002
  • Shuji Horinaga. Nearly holomorphic automorphic forms on $\mathrm{SL}_2. Journal of Number Theory. 2019. 219. 247-282
MISC (2):
  • HORINAGA, SHUJI. ON THE ALGEBRAICITY OF CRITICAL $L$ VALUES ATTACHED TO VECTOR VALUED SIEGEL CUSP FORMS (Automorphic form, automorphic $L$-functions and related topics). RIMS Kokyuroku. 2022. 2230. 110-118
  • Horinaga, Shuji. RANKIN-COHEN BRACKETを用いた概正則保型形式の構成について. RIMS Kokyuroku. 2019. 2136. 44-54
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor of Science, Ph.D. (Kyoto University)
Association Membership(s) (1):
The Mathematical Society of Japan
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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