Research keywords (3):
, Injury Prevention
, Athletic Training
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2022 - 2025 Head Impact Exposure Risk and Associated Factors in novice judo practitioners
2019 - 2023 Head impact exposure in Judo: Implication for head injury prevention
2016 - 2019 Breakfall learning program for judo beginners: prevention of fatal judo accidents
2010 - 2012 Reconsidering postural response to external disturbance - Focusing on the functions of monoarticular and biarticular muscles -
Papers (31):
Miyashita K, Koshida S, Koyama T, Ota K, Tani Y, Okamune R. Biomechanical Characteristics of Scapular and Glenohumeral Movements during Pitching Motion in Injury-prone College Baseball Pitchers. Physical therapy research. 2023
Sentaro Koshida, Takanori Ishii. Do Neck Strength and the Force Acting on the Body Correlate to Head and Neck Stabilisation During the Breakfall for Osoto-gari?. The Arts and Sciences of Judo. 2022. 2. 1. 4-9
YAMAMOTO Yukinori, ISHII Takanori, KOSHIDA Sentaro, OKADA Hirotaka, FUJII Norihisa. Seoi-nage for children’s judo athletes using judogi with different collar widths. Research Journal of Budo. 2022. 54. 2. 115-124
KOSHIDA Sentaro, ISHII Takanori, MATSUDA Tadamitsu, HASHIMOTO Toshihiko. Relationship between observational and kinematic evaluation of the head injury risk in judo breakfall. Japan Journal of Test and Measurement in Health and Physical Education. 2020. 19. 0. 23-29
KOSHIDA Sentaro, ISHII Takanori. Review of Sports Research Based on Three-Dimensional Measurement : Judo. Journal of The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers. 2020. 59. 10. 721-726