J-GLOBAL ID:202201017602072631
Update date: Mar. 24, 2023
Nakayama Rie
ナカヤマ リエ | Nakayama Rie
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2018 - 2023 日本の木造建築における「洗い」と「色付」の比較研究
- 2016 - 2019 Basic study of the new technique for the on-site wood identification
- 2016 - 2018 "Washing" and "aged coloring" in Japanese wooden architecture - Transformation of aesthetic sense as seen from surface treatment technologies -
Papers (5):
NAKAYAMA Rie. ABOUT THE “ARAI”, AND “ARAI-YA” IN DOCUMENTS FROM AROUND THE EDO PERIOD. Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ). 2021. 86. 784. 1827-1838
NAKAYAMA Rie. ABOUT THE MEANINGS OF “SHIRA-KEZURI”, “UWA-KEZURI”, AND “SHIRAKE” IN EDO PERIOD DOCUMENTS. Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ). 2020. 85. 769. 689-697
Tazuru Suyako, Matsumoto Yasutaka, Nakayama Rie, Sugiyama Junji. Wood Identification of Basyo-ou Kokyo-zuka,“Hyochikuan” Designed by Kaichiro Usui and Comparison between Results and Description in the Old Document. Mokuzai Gakkaishi. 2019. 65. 2. 110-116
NAKAYAMA Rie. THE CHARACTERISTIC AND ORIGIN OF THE TECHNIQUES OF "ARAI" FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF TOOLS: A study of the tools of "ARAI" in Japanese wooden architecture. Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ). 2012. 77. 678. 1949-1956
NAKAYAMA Rie. HISTORICAL TRANSITION OF "ARAI" IN JAPANESE WOODEN ARCHITECTURE: Aesthetics of an ancient architecture considered from the purification techniques of cortex. Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ). 2011. 76. 668. 1951-1957
MISC (3):
加藤 詞史, 中山 利恵, 山田 宮土理, 伏見 唯. 素材経年談義 「良き変化」のゆくえを探る-Roundtable about Aging of Material-特集 転変建築 : 移ろいゆくもの. 早稲田建築学報 = Waseda University architectural design & engineering. 2022. 4-9
中山 利恵. 伊勢神宮棟持柱の古材転用(<連載>すごい〇〇! 第12回). 建築雑誌. 2019. 1719. 49
中山 利恵. 現場ワークショップ参加レポート 第7回現場ワークショップ(教王護国寺大師堂)に参加して : 中世大師堂建築の檜皮葺屋根葺き替え修理工事-Reports from On-site Workshop Participants : Report from the 7th On-Site Workshop (Kyo-o-gokoku-ji Taishi-do) : Reroofing the Cypress Bark Roof of a Medieval Taishi-do Building. 文化財建造物研究 = Journal of the Society for Research and Conservation of Architectural Monuments, Japan : 保存と修理. 2018. 3. 116-119
Books (2):
住まいの生命力 : 清水組住宅の100年
柏書房 2020 ISBN:9784760152186
建築と都市の保存再生デザイン : 近代文化遺産の豊かな継承のために
鹿島出版会 2019 ISBN:9784306046733
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