J-GLOBAL ID:202201021027169021
Update date: Dec. 10, 2024
イトウ ショウマル | ITO SHOMARU
Affiliation and department:
Research field (3):
Rehabilitation science
, Orthopedics
, Orthopedics
Research keywords (6):
, three dimensional motion analysis
, Lumbar degenerative disease
, knee osteoarthritis
, motion analysis
, biomechanics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2024 - 2027 ウェアラブルデバイスを用いた頚椎症性脊髄症の新たな転倒予測モデルの開発
Papers (9):
Riyaka Ito, Tatsuya Igawa, Ryunosuke Urata, Shomaru Ito, Kosuke Suzuki, Hiroto Takahashi, Mika Toda, Mio Fujita, Akira Kubo. Effects of simultaneous neuromuscular electrical stimulation and static stretching on flexibility and strength: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2024. 36. 10. 628-632
Riyaka Ito, Tatsuya Igawa, Ryunosuke Urata, Shomaru Ito, Kosuke Suzuki, Hiroto Takahashi, Mika Toda, Mio Fujita, Akira Kubo. Effects of simultaneous short-term neuromuscular electrical stimulation and static stretching on calf muscles. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2024. 36. 8. 447-451
Ryunosuke Urata, Tatsuya Igawa, Shomaru Ito, Akifumi Suzuki, Norihiro Isogai, Yutaka Sasao, Haruki Funao, Ken Ishii. Association between the Phase Angle and the Severity of Horizontal Gaze Disorder in Patients with Idiopathic Dropped Head Syndrome: A Cross-Sectional Study. Medicina. 2023. 59. 3. 526-526
Riyaka Ito, Tatsuya Igawa, Ryunosuke Urata, Shomaru Ito, Kosuke Suzuki, Marino Suzuki, Akira Kubo. Immediate effects of elastic tape application on the foot sole: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2023. 35. 7. 497-501
Ryunosuke Urata, Tatsuya Igawa, Shomaru Ito, Akifumi Suzuki. Effectiveness of non-surgical treatment combined with supervised exercise for lumbar spinal stenosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 2023. 36. 4. 799-813
MISC (2):
伊藤 梨也花, 井川 達也, 浦田 龍之介, 伊藤 将円, 鈴木 皓大, 鈴木 満里乃, 久保 晃. 足底への弾性テープは足関節可動域改善に有用か. 栃木県理学療法士学会抄録集. 2023. 27回. 28-28
伊藤 梨也花, 井川 達也, 浦田 龍之介, 伊藤 将円, 鈴木 皓大, 久保 晃. 足関節背屈可動域は足底への弾性テープ貼付によって改善する 無作為化比較試験. 理学療法科学. 2022. 37. 特別号10. 7-7
Lectures and oral presentations (10):
(国際医療福祉大学学会誌 2020)
(国際医療福祉大学学会誌 2019)
(国際医療福祉大学学会誌 2018)
(東日本整形災害外科学会雑誌 2016)
健常成人における脚長差と補高が歩行に及ぼす影響 利き脚と非利き脚での検討
(日本理学療法学術大会(Web) 2016)
Education (3):
- 2017 - 2019 International University of Health and Welfare Graduate School of Medicine
- 2013 - 2015 International University of Health and Welfare Graduate School of Health and Welfare Sciences
- - 2013 International University of Health and Welfare School of Health Sciences Department of Physical Therapy
Work history (3):
- 2024/09 - 現在 International University of Health and Welfare School of Health Sciences at Odawara Department of Physical Therapy
- 2020/10 - 2024/09 国際医療福祉大学成田病院 リハビリテーション技術部 理学療法士
- 2013/04 - 2020/10 国際医療福祉大学病院 リハビリテーション室 理学療法士
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本理学療法士協会
, Japanese Society for Clinical Biomechanics Journal of Biomechanics
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