Effect of surface coating treatments with barley-shochu post-distillation slurry and the microbicide fluazinam on the community structures of bacteria associated with the periderm of potato seed tubers. Soil Microorganisms. 2022. 76. 2. 68-76
Makoto Ikenaga, Machi Kataoka, Xuan Yin, Aya Murouchi, Masao Sakai. Characterization and distribution of agar-degrading steroidobacter agaridevorans sp. Nov., isolated from rhizosphere soils. Microbes and Environments. 2021. 36. 1
Effect of potato seed treatment by barley-shochu post-distillation slurry on the bacterial community structures and the abundance of antagonistic bacteria against Streptomyces scabiei on the periderm of seed tubers. Soil Microorganisms. 2020. 74. 1. 32-41