J-GLOBAL ID:202301006290200500
Update date: Nov. 14, 2024
MORI Hideki
モリ ヒデキ | MORI Hideki
Affiliation and department:
Research keywords (6):
, Molecular dynamics
, Machine learning atomic potential
, 体心立方
, 格子欠陥
, 遷移状態理論
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2023 - 2026 An autonomous machine learning-based molecular dynamics method that utilizes first-principles atomic energy calculation
- 2022 - 2025 BCC合金が持つ特異な変形機構の起源の解明と力学機能設計
- 2021 - 2024 Atomistic modeling of dislocation dynamics with first principles accuracy
- 2017 - 2019 Investigation of mechanical properties of metal-one dimensional carbon nanotube composite by atomic simulation
Papers (24):
Kazuma Ito, Tatsuya Yokoi, Katsutoshi Hyodo, Hideki Mori. Machine learning interatomic potential with DFT accuracy for general grain boundaries in α-Fe. npj Computational Materials. 2024. 10. 1
Tomoaki SUZUDO, Kein-ichi EBIHARA, Tomohito TSURU, Hideki MORI. Large-Scale Atomistic Simulations of Cleavage in BCC Fe using Machine-Learning Potential. Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan. 2024. 73. 2. 129-135
Hideki MORI. Implementation of New Boundary Condition in LAMMPS for Energetics of Screw Dislocation in BCC Iron. Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan. 2024. 73. 2. 136-140
T. Suzudo, K. Ebihara, T. Tsuru, H. Mori. Emergence of crack tip plasticity in semi-brittle α-Fe. Journal of Applied Physics. 2024. 135. 7
Ivan Lobzenko, Tomohito Tsuru, Hideki Mori, Daisuke Matsunaka, Yoshinori Shiihara. Implementation of Atomic Stress Calculations with Artificial Neural Network Potentials. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. 2023. 64. 10. 2481-2488
MISC (13):
MORI, Hideki. Consideration of Method of stress calculation during molecular dynamics simulation. BULLETIN OF COLLEGE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY. 2023. 56. 1. 77-79
森 英喜. 第一原理計算による一般化積層欠陥エネルギー表面の評価-First principles study of generalized stacking fault energy surface of iron and aluminium. 産業技術短期大学誌 = Bulletin of College of Industrial Technology. 2020. 53. 93-95
Mori Hideki, Ozaki Taisuke. Construction of machine learning potential for investigation of dislocation dynamics in BCC iron. Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2019. 74.2. 2252-2252
MORI Hideki, OZAKI Taisuke. Interatomic potential for BCC iron based on first principles calculations. The Proceedings of The Computational Mechanics Conference. 2019. 2019.32. 117
森 英喜. 第一原理計算を用いた金属の基礎的機械特性の予測的評価-First principles study of mechanical properties of cubic metals. 産業技術短期大学誌 = Bulletin of College of Industrial Technology. 2019. 52. 41-44
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