J-GLOBAL ID:202301009469758538
Update date: Oct. 18, 2024
Kuroki Yoko
クロキ ヨウコ | Kuroki Yoko
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Division Chief
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
- 2017 - 2022 Genome sequence analysis of the subtelomeric regions to understand the etiology of subtelomere-related syndromes.
- 2018 - 2021 Preparation and Application of Y chromosome Panel using BirThree Cohort Men
- 2010 - 2016 Platform of large scale and high quality genomics and bioinformatics: Towards the advancement of genome sciences in academia
- 2005 - 2009 Comparative Genomics Toward Understanding Genomic Bases of Evolution and Bio-Diversity : Support Groups
- 2005 - 2009 Highly Accurate Comparative Genome Mapping and Structural Genomics
- 2006 - 2007 染色体サブテロメア領域の多様性と進化に関する基礎的研究
- 2006 - 2007 哺乳類Y染色体の多様性と普遍性-ゲノム構造から見る性染色体の機能とその進化-
- 2005 - 2005 霊長類における染色体特異的反復配列とゲノム多様性・進化に関する研究
- 2002 - 2004 霊長類Y染色体における比較ゲノム解析
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Papers (70):
Erina Suzuki, Kazuhiko Nakabayashi, Saki Aoto, Tsutomu Ogata, Yoko Kuroki, Mami Miyado, Maki Fukami, Keiko Matsubara. DNA methylation changes in the genome of patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Heliyon. 2024. 10. 18. e37648
Yasuko Ogiwara, Yoshitomo Kobori, Erina Suzuki, Atsushi Hattori, Kanako Tanase-Nakao, Akiyoshi Osaka, Toshiyuki Iwahata, Hiroshi Okada, Yoko Kuroki, Maki Fukami. Isodicentric Y chromosome with multiple breakpoints in the pseudoautosomal region 1. Cytogenetic and genome research. 2024
Yoko Kuroki, Atsushi Hattori, Keiko Matsubara, Maki Fukami. Long-read next-generation sequencing for molecular diagnosis of pediatric endocrine disorders. Annals of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism. 2024. 29. 3. 156-160
Atsushi Hijikata, Mikita Suyama, Shingo Kikugawa, Ryo Matoba, Takuya Naruto, Yumi Enomoto, Kenji Kurosawa, Naoki Harada, Kumiko Yanagi, Tadashi Kaname, et al. Exome-wide benchmark of difficult-to-sequence regions using short-read next-generation dna sequencing. Nucleic acids research. 2023
Yoko Kuroki, Maki Fukami. Y Chromosome Genomic Variations and Biological Significance in Human Diseases and Health. Cytogenetic and genome research. 2023
MISC (3):
黒木 陽子, 豊田 敦, 野口 英樹, 谷口 丈晃, 矢田 哲士, 小野 千紘, 要 匡, 藤山 秋佐夫. ヒト染色体:維持と進化と疾患の新知見 ヒトサブテロメア領域のゲノム構造、その機能と進化. 生命科学系学会合同年次大会. 2017. 2017年度. [1PW19-6]
Yoko Kuroki, Atsushi Toyoda, Asao Fujiyama. Comparative genome analysis of the mammalian Y chromosomes. GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS. 2010. 85. 6. 445-445
Yoko Kuroki, Todd D. Taylor, Hideki Noguchi, Takehiko Ito, Atsushi Toyoda, Yoshiyuki Sakaki, Asao Fujiyama. Reply: Has the chimpanzee Y chromosome been sequenced? [3]. Nature Genetics. 2006. 38. 8. 854-855
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