J-GLOBAL ID:202301010421037977
Update date: Apr. 03, 2024
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Lifelong developmental nursing
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2009 - 2011 Evaluation of stress in mothers after direct breastfeeding by measuring salivary cortisol and chromogranin
Papers (10):
Atsuko Iseki, Tomoko Minamida, Kazutomo Ohashi, Mikiya Nakatsuka. Experiences and Their Structure from Adolescence through Marriage in Pretransition Female to Male(FtM)Individuals. 2023. 64. 1. 119-129
Tomoko MINAMIDA, Atsuko ISEKI, Masumi IMURA. Association of Breastfeeding Self-effi cacy with Psychological and Physical Stress Before and After Breastfeeding During the Early Postpartum Period. 2021. 15. 2. 86-99
酒井ひろ子, 川嵜有紀, 南田智子. Relationship of exposure environmental tobacco smoke in household and/or work place with the depressed symptoms in Japanese women of reproductive age. 2021. 16. 4. 67-73
Tomoko Minamida, Atsuko Iseki, Hiroko Sakai, Masumi Imura, Tadaharu Okano, Hisashi Tanii. Do postpartum anxiety and breastfeeding self-efficacy and bonding at early postpartum predict postpartum depression and the breastfeeding method?. Infant Mental Health Journal. 2020. 41. 5. 662-676
Atuko Iseki, Tomoko Minamida, Ohashi Kazutomo. Maternal grandmothers’ attitudes to support their daughters who temporarily return to the parent’s home for childbirth, and feelings while providing the actual support. 2013. 54. 1. 191-199
MISC (3):
岡野 禎治, 南田 智子, 國分 真佐代. 【外来で遭遇する困ったケース】妊婦の気分変調にどう対応したらよいでしょうか?. 治療. 2012. 94. 4月増刊. 800-803
岡野 禎治, 國分 真佐代, 南田 智子. 【C.T. Beck氏の研究から考える 看護における研究と方法】産褥期のうつ病の研究概観 スクリーニング尺度の開発と課題. 看護研究. 2011. 44. 4. 438-445
岡野 禎治, 南田 智子, 國分 真佐代. 【産婦人科医が知っておきたい"こころの健康"の知識】産後うつ病のケア. 産婦人科治療. 2010. 101. 4. 375-379
Education (2):
- - 2016 Mie University Graduate School of Medicine
- - 2004 Mie University Graduate School of Medicine
Professional career (2):
- Ph.D. (Mie University)
- MD (Mie University)
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