J-GLOBAL ID:202301011994514105   Update date: Nov. 08, 2023

Kimura Toshiyuki

Kimura Toshiyuki
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2018 - 2023 自然史系資料の適切な3Dデジタル標本化の指針及び標本データベースの構築
  • 1998 - 1999 古生物学的及び分子系統学的手法から見たクジラ類の進化と系統
Papers (13):
  • Toshiyuki Kimura, Yoshikazu Hasegawa. A New Physeteroid from the Lower Miocene of Japan. Paleontological Research. 2022. 26. 1
  • Yoshihiro Tanaka, Masaaki Ohara, Toshiyuki Kimura. A Fossil Dolphin from the Oi Formation, Ichishi Group (Late Early Miocene) in Japan. Paleontological Research. 2021. 25. 1
  • Toshiyuki Kimura. Norisdelphis annakaensis, A new Miocene delphinid from Japan. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 2020
  • Toshiyuki Kimura. A large fossil baleen whale from the Shikiya Formation (early middle Miocene) of Wakayama, Japan. Paleontological Research. 2019
  • Toshiyuki Kimura. A new species of Kentriodon (Cetacea, Odontoceti, Kentriodontidae) from the Miocene of Japan. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 2019
MISC (90):
  • Kimura Toshiyuki, Taru Hajime, Tsai Cheng-Hsiu. A new Pleistocene physeterid specimen from the Kazusa Group in the western part of Kanto Plain and a review of the fossil cetaceans from the Pleistocene of Japan. Fossils. 2023. 114. 114. 37-45
  • Taru Hajime, Kimura Toshiyuki. At the beginning of deposition of Kazusa Group in the western part of Kanto Plain (Kazusa Group in the western part of Kanto Plain deposited in western Tokyo). Fossils. 2023. 114. 114. 19-22
  • 長谷川善和, 長谷川善和, 西田民雄, 木村敏之, 甲能直樹, 松岡廣繁. On the mass remains of tiger recovered from the Pleistocene Hamakita Man site area. Bulletin of the Gunma Museum of Natural History. 2023. 27. 1-22
  • 木村敏之, 長谷川善和, 長谷川善和. Additional rostrum fragments of the holotype of Miophyseter chitaensis. Bulletin of the Gunma Museum of Natural History. 2023. 27. 107-112
  • 木村敏之. 3D digitization of the natural history museum specimens: A case study of building the 3D digital database of the periotic and tympanic bulla of modern cetaceans. Bulletin of the Gunma Museum of Natural History. 2023. 27. 211-216
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