J-GLOBAL ID:202301012645540421   Update date: Mar. 07, 2024


Affiliation and department:
Research field  (3): Biomedical engineering ,  Sports science ,  Orthopedics
Papers (4):
  • Shigeru Takagi, J David Blaha, Tomoharu Mochizuki. Medial-Pivot Design Improved Knee Symptoms From Anteroposterior Instability in Early-Range Flexion and Resolved Anterior Knee Pain in Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty. The Journal of arthroplasty. 2023. 38. 6S. S284-S289
  • Shigeru Takagi, Takashi Sato, Satoshi Watanabe, Osamu Tanifuji, Tomoharu Mochizuki, Go Omori, Naoto Endo. Alignment in the transverse plane, but not sagittal or coronal plane, affects the risk of recurrent patella dislocation. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA. 2018. 26. 10. 2891-2898
  • Shigeru Takagi, Go Omori, Hiroshi Koga, Kazuo Endo, Yoshio Koga, Atsushi Nawata, Naoto Endo. Quadriceps muscle weakness is related to increased risk of radiographic knee OA but not its progression in both women and men: the Matsudai Knee Osteoarthritis Survey. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA. 2018. 26. 9. 2607-2614
  • Shigeru Takagi, Takashi Sato, Satoshi Watanabe, Osamu Tanifuji, Tomoharu Mochizuki, Go Omori, Naoto Endo. Correction to: Alignment in the transverse plane, but not sagittal or coronal plane, affects the risk of recurrent patella dislocation. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA. 2018. 26. 7. 2219-2219
MISC (47):
  • 坂爪 佑輔, 高木 繁, 佐藤 剛, 今尾 貫太, 須田 健, 白野 誠, 澁谷 洋平, 竹内 峻, 高橋 響, 三輪 仁. Small Patella Syndromeに伴い反復性膝蓋骨脱臼を呈した1例. 新潟整形外科研究会会誌. 2022. 38. 1. 76-77
  • 高木 繁, 佐藤 卓, 谷藤 理, 望月 友晴, 渡邉 聡, 大森 豪, 川島 寛之. 反復性膝蓋骨脱臼における三次元大腿四頭筋量評価. 新潟整形外科研究会会誌. 2022. 38. 1. 80-80
  • 鄭 賢晧, 澁谷 洋平, 佐藤 剛, 三輪 仁, 須田 健, 今尾 貫太, 高木 繁, 白野 誠, 坂爪 佑輔, 坂口 彰. BIOPEX-R Excellentを用いた後方固定併用椎体形成術を施行した骨粗鬆症性椎体骨折の2例. 新潟整形外科研究会会誌. 2022. 38. 1. 88-88
  • 若杉 正嗣, 須田 健, 佐藤 剛, 今尾 貫太, 高木 繁, 三輪 仁. 大腿骨近位部骨折におけるHb値の変化 輸血と抗血栓薬との関連. 整形・災害外科. 2022. 65. 8. 1069-1073
  • 大坪 周平, 若杉 正嗣, 渡部 和敏, 佐藤 剛, 今尾 貫太, 須田 健, 高木 繁, 樋口 賢太郎, 宮崎 友宏, 伊東 祥希, et al. 当院における下肢切断術症例の検討. 東北整形災害外科学会雑誌. 2022. 65. 1. 220-220
Education (1):
  • 2001 - 2007 Niigata University Faculty of Medicine School of Medicine
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Niigata University)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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