J-GLOBAL ID:202301015094132954
Update date: Jun. 12, 2024
Sato Yu
サトウ ユウ | Sato Yu
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
, Neuroscience - general
Research keywords (10):
, Unit recording
, Imaging
, Patch clamp
, Slow wave
, Thalamus
, Medial prefrontal cortex
, Amygdala
, Neural activity
, Neurophysiology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2024 - 2027 情動由来の睡眠障害における視床の神経回路変化
- 2023 - 2026 心的外傷後ストレス障害における睡眠障害メカニズムの解明
- 2020 - 2023 情動記憶固定化時における海馬-扁桃体間の同調活動機構の解明
Papers (5):
Hana Samejima, Yu Sato, Yuji Ikegaya. Visual Cortical Neurons Depolarize after Hippocampal Ripples. New Advances in Brain & Critical Care. 2023. 4. 1
Mami Okada, Rena Kono, Yu Sato, Chiaki Kobayashi, Ryuta Koyama, Yuji Ikegaya. Highly active neurons emerging in vitro. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2021. 125. 4. 1322-1329
Yu Sato, Hiroyuki Mizuno, Nobuyoshi Matsumoto, Yuji Ikegaya. Subthreshold membrane potential dynamics of posterior parietal cortical neurons coupled with hippocampal ripples. Physiology International. 2021. 108. 1. 54-65
Kazuki Okamoto, Teppei Ebina, Naoki Fujii, Kuniaki Konishi, Yu Sato, Tetsuhiko Kashima, Risako Nakano, Hiroyuki Hioki, Haruki Takeuchi, Junji Yumoto, et al. Tb3+-doped fluorescent glass for biology. Science Advances. 2021. 7. 2
Yu Sato, Takeyuki Miyawaki, Ayako Ouchi, Asako Noguchi, Shun Yamaguchi, Yuji Ikegaya. Quick visualization of neurons in brain tissues using an optical clearing technique. Anatomical Science International. 2019. 94. 2. 199-208
MISC (6):
Yu Sato, Yuji Ikegaya. Phase-specific synchronization of basolateral amygdalar neurons with neocortical slow oscillations. Proceedings for Annual Meeting of The Japanese Pharmacological Society. 2022. 96. 1-B
Motoshige Sato, Shu Sakamoto, Kana Ishibashi, Kenji Kobayashi, Yu Sato, Yu Shimanuki, Shoya Sugimoto, Yusuke Sugita, Hiroki Noyama, Akihiro Yamashita. 2022年度時限研究会実施報告 脳科学若手の会第14回 春の研究会「若手研究者に向けたレクチャー&ワークショップ~海外PI視点からの研究者キャリア形成と神経科学実験における統計手法の理解及び実践~」. The Brain & Neural Networks. 2022. 29. 2. 95-101
Kenji Kobayashi, Shu Sakamoto, Motoshige Sato, Yu Sato, Shoya Sugimoto, Yasufumi Nakata, Hiroki Noyama, Akihiro Yamashita. 2021年度時限研究会実施報告 脳科学若手の会第13回 春の研究会「若手研究者に向けたレクチャー&ワークショップ~生体情報の光計測・操作技術と人工知能による神経メカニズムの理解及び実践~」. The Brain & Neural Networks. 2021. 28. 2. 103-108
Yu Sato, Yuji Ikegaya. In vivo whole-cell recordings from amygdalar neurons. Proceedings for Annual Meeting of The Japanese Pharmacological Society. 2020. 93. 1-YIA
Masanori Kawabata, Yutaro Koyama, Shu Sakamoto, Motoshige Sato, Yu Sato, Shiro Takagi, Yoshihiro Nagano, Hirotake Misu, Saichiro Yagi, Akihiro Yamashita. 2019年度時限研究会実施報告 脳科学若手の会第11回合宿「若手研究者に向けたレクチャー&ワークショップ合宿~神経活動が機能を生むメカニズムの探求,理論の実践と応用~」. The Brain & Neural Networks. 2019. 26. 3. 105-109
Education (2):
- 2020 - 2023 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- 2018 - 2020 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Professional career (3):
- Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical science (The University of Tokyo)
- M.S. in Pharmaceutical science (The University of Tokyo)
- B.S. in Pharmaceutical science (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (1):
- 2023/04 - 現在 Tokyo Women's Medical University
Awards (1):
- 2018/10 - 東京大学こころの多様性と適応の統合的研究機構シンポジウム「こころの適応を探る」 ポスター優秀賞 聴覚または視覚による文章理解時の生体シグナル比較
Association Membership(s) (2):
The Japanese Pharmacological Society
, The Japan Neuroscience Society
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