J-GLOBAL ID:202301018847981215
Update date: Aug. 25, 2023
Papers (3):
Anna Nakagawa, Sumio Hayakawa, Yinglan Cheng, Azusa Honda, Ryo Yuzawa, Rei Ogawa, Yumiko Oishi. Cyclic stretch regulates immune responses via tank-binding kinase 1 expression in macrophages. FEBS open bio. 2023. 13. 1. 185-194
Yinglan Cheng, Ichiro Manabe, Sumio Hayakawa, Yusuke Endo, Yumiko Oishi. Caspase-11 contributes to site-1 protease cleavage and SREBP1 activation in the inflammatory response of macrophages. Frontiers in immunology. 2023. 14. 1009973-1009973
Sumio Hayakawa, Atsushi Tamura, Nikita Nikiforov, Hiroyuki Koike, Fujimi Kudo, Yinglan Cheng, Takuro Miyazaki, Marina Kubekina, Tatiana V Kirichenko, Alexander N Orekhov, et al. Activated cholesterol metabolism is integral for innate macrophage responses by amplifying Myd88 signaling. JCI insight. 2022. 7. 22
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences (Nippon Medical School)
Awards (1):
- 2023/03 - Nippon medical school Graduate research award
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