Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2000 - 2004 放射線誘発アポトーシスをターゲットとした治療法の開発
2001 - 2002 新規低酸素細胞マーカーを用いた低酸素細胞の定量と放射線感受性との相関
Papers (2):
Nobuteru Kubo, Daijiro Kobayashi, Mototaro Iwanaga, Masana Matsuura, Keiko Higuchi, Jun Eishima, Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Naoko Okano, Mariko Shioya, Masahiro Onishi, et al. Radiotherapy Patterns of Care for Locally-advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer in the Pre- and Post-durvalumab Era: A Region-wide Survey in a Japanese Prefecture. Journal of radiation research. 2022. 63. 2. 264-271
Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Tetsuo Akimoto, Katsuya Maebayashi, Midori Kita, Norio Mitsuhashi. Prognostic significance of dysadherin and E-cadherin expression in patients with head and neck cancer treated by radiation therapy. Anticancer research. 2008. 28. 6B. 3859-64