J-GLOBAL ID:202401015082056370
Update date: Oct. 18, 2024
Takenaka Ayumi
タケナカ アユミ | Takenaka Ayumi
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Papers (39):
Ayumi Takenaka. Contexts of reception. Research Handbook on the Sociology of Migration. 2024. 122-132
Ayumi Takenaka. The Immigrant-Homeland Connection:. The Japanese Empire and Latin America. 2023. 126-144
Ayumi Takenaka. Ethnic Hierarchy and Its Impact on Ethnic Identities. Diasporic Homecomings. 2020. 260-280
Ayumi Takenaka. The paradox of diaspora engagement: a historical analysis of Japanese state-diaspora relations. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 2020. 46. 6. 1129-1145
Ayumi Takenaka. “Nikkei Food” for Whom? Gastro-Politics and Culinary Representation in Peru. Anthropology of food. 2019. 14
MISC (3):
Ayumi Takenaka, Karsten Paerregaard, Ulla Berg. Peruvian migration in a global context. Latin American Perspectives. 2010. 37. 5. 3-11
Ayumi Takenaka, Mary Johnson Osirim. Global Philadelphia: Immigrant communities old and new. Global Philadelphia: Immigrant Communities Old and New. 2010. 1-310
Roger Goodman, Ceri Peach, Ayumi Takenaka, Paul White. Global Japan: The experience of Japan's new immigrant and overseas communities. Global Japan: The Experience of Japan's New Immigrant and Overseas Communities. 2003. 1-241
Books (3):
Global Philadelphia: Immigrant Communities Old and New
Temple University Press 2010
The Changing Japanese Family: A Comparative Perspective. Co-editor
Routledge 2006
Global Japan: The Experience of Japan’s New Immigrants and Overseas Communities. Co-editor
Routledge Curzon 2003
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