J-GLOBAL ID:202401020649844026
Update date: Jul. 18, 2024
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Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2023 - 2027 フォトグラメトリーを用いた4D手術記録システムの開発と教育・実臨床への応用
Papers (50):
Kenichiro Iwami, Masazumi Fujii, Tadashi Watanabe, Koji Osuka. Exo- and endoscopic lateral orbital wall approach for the medial temporal lobe glioma: how I do it. Acta neurochirurgica. 2024. 166. 1. 110-110
Tadashi Watanabe. [Surgical Equipment for Neuroendoscopic Surgery]. No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery. 2023. 51. 4. 725-733
Taiki Isaji, Kenichiro Iwami, Fuminori Ato, Tadashi Watanabe, Emiko Takahashi, Shigeru Miyachi. Mixed Germ Cell Tumor with a Yolk Sac Tumor Component in the Medulla Oblongata of a 50-year-old Patient: A Case Report and Literature Review. Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan). 2023. 62. 6. 915-921
Hiroo Sasaki, Kazuhito Takeuchi, Yuichi Nagata, Kuniaki Tanahashi, Akihiro Mizuno, Hideyuki Harada, Yugo Kishida, Tadashi Watanabe, Tetsuya Nagatani, Ryuta Saito. The importance of preserving the superior hypophyseal artery infundibular branch in craniopharyngioma surgery. Acta neurochirurgica. 2023. 165. 3. 667-675
Maruf Matmusaev, Tadashi Watanabe, Kenichiro Iwami, Tokhir Akhmediev. Endoscopic transnasal transsphenoidal management of sellar/suprasellar arachnoid cyst: A case report and literature review. Surgical neurology international. 2023. 14. 131-131
MISC (94):
渡邉 督. 【出血性脳血管障害1】脳血管障害に対する内視鏡手術. 脳神経外科ジャーナル. 2024. 33. 1. 35-43
加藤 庸子, 渡邉 督. 女性が当然!女性が席捲!のダイバーシティ内視鏡外科へ 内視鏡外科の醍醐味. 日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌. 2023. 28. 7. 991-991
渡邉 督. 【内視鏡医学のすべて-各領域における診断・治療の進歩】神経 内視鏡下キーホール手術. 医学のあゆみ. 2023. 286. 14. 1272-1277
渡邉 督. 【下垂体腫瘍診療の新フェーズ-変革期の疫学・診断・治療における必須知識】下垂体腫瘍の治療 最新の神経内視鏡機器 神経内視鏡手術における機器の進歩. Neurological Surgery. 2023. 51. 4. 725-733
渡邉 督, 岩味 健一郎, 宮地 茂. 本年の動向 鏡視下手術(内・外視鏡手術)の現状と展望. Annual Review神経. 2023. 2023. 109-116
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