J-GLOBAL ID:200901000149313263
Update date: Aug. 31, 2022
Hasegawa Sei
ハセガワ セイ | Hasegawa Sei
Affiliation and department:
旧所属 駒沢女子大学 人文学部 日本文化学科
About 旧所属 駒沢女子大学 人文学部 日本文化学科
Search "旧所属 駒沢女子大学 人文学部 日本文化学科"
Job title:
Research field (2):
Art history
, Aesthetics and art studies
Research keywords (2):
, Art History of Japan
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
1985 - 仏・荘厳の研究
1985 - Study on Lotus Decoration of Buddist Arts
1961 - 南都造像史の研究
1961 - 興正菩薩叡尊の研究
1961 - Study on History of Nara Buddist Sculpture
1961 - Study on Kosho-bosatsu Eison for his achievements in Arts
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MISC (18):
長谷寺銅板法華説相図の荘厳意匠について(下). 駒沢女子大学紀要. 2002. 9. 31-54
On the-do, (2). The Faculty Jornal of Komazawa Women's University. 2002. 9. 31-54
長谷寺銅板法華説相図の荘厳意匠について(上). 駒沢女子大学研究紀要. 2001. 8. 45-74
On the Buddhistic Lotus Decoration of the Bronze Plaque "Hokke-Sesso-Zu;depicting a scene from the Lotus Sufra, owned by Hase-dera Temple, Nara Prefectare(1). The Faculty Jornal of Komazawa Women's University. 2001. 8. 45-74
法隆寺金堂薬師如来坐像の光背意匠について. 駒沢女子大学研究紀要. 1997. 4. 79-100
Books (20):
西大寺蔵版 1994
The Buddhist moral Lecture of Kosho-bosatsu Eison & Kanshin-Gakusho-Ki, Eison's autobiography ; revision.
Saidaiji Temple Press 1994
平凡社 1975
Photogrammetric Elevation of Japanese Buddhist Statues
Heibon-sha Prwss 1975
岩波書店 1974
Works (4):
1961 - 1974
1961 - 1974
Study on Yakushiji Temple for Art History
1961 - 1974
Study on Saidaiji Temple for Art History
1961 - 1974
Education (1):
- 1960 東京教育大学 教育学部 教育学専攻科芸術学課程
Work history (8):
1982 - 1993 筑波大学 教授(芸術学系)
1982 - 1993 Professor in Research of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba.
1993 - - 駒沢女子大学人文学部 教授
1993 - - Professor in Faculty of Humanscience, Komazawa Women's University
1975 - 1982 筑波大学 助教授(芸術学系)
1975 - 1982 Assistant professor in Research of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba.
1961 - 1975 奈良国立文化財研究所員
1961 - 1975 Membership in Nara National Research Institute of Cultural Properties
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Association Membership(s) (1):
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