Masaru Okabe. Beware of memes in the interpretation of your results - lessons from gene-disrupted mice in fertilization research. FEBS Letters. 2018. 592. 16. 2673-2679
Masaru Okabe. Sperm-egg interaction and fertilization: Past, present, and future. Biology of Reproduction. 2018. 99. 1. 134-146
Tomoko Nakanishi, Masahito Ikawa, Shuichi Yamada, Martti Parvinen, Tadashi Baba, Yoshitake Nishimune, Masaru Okabe. Erratum: Real-time observation of acrosomal dispersal from mouse sperm using GFP as a marker protein (FEBS Lett. (1999) 449 (277-283)). FEBS Letters. 2015. 589. 20. 3220-3220