Research keywords (10):
Hidden Christian
, Printmaking of Father Marc de Rotz
, Nagasaki
, Nanpin school
, Ainu
, Ezo
, Matsumae domain
, Kakizaki Hakyō
, Ishū retsuzō
, History of Japanese Art
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2021 - 2026 The Cultural Impact of the Shanghai Tushanwan Missionary Orphanage in Japan
2020 - 2023 アイヌ表象の伝播と変遷
2018 - 2020 明治期キリシタン版画にみる日本文化の受容と展開
2002 - 2003 蠣崎波響の画業研究
Papers (6):
白石恵理. 松前藩の絵画戦略-〈夷酋列像〉と京都. 近世京都. 2022. 5. 23-42
Fictitious Images of the Ainu: Ishū Retsuzō and Its Back Story. Japan Review. 2021. 36. 89-109
Shiraishi Eri. Images of Japan in the Prints of Meiji-Era Missionaries. 2020. 3. 78-95
- 2005 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Letters Philosophy (History of Art)
- 1998 SOAS University of London School of Arts Department of History of Art and Archaeology
- 1997 イースト・アングリア大学 美術史研究科
Professional career (1):
Master of Arts (SOAS)
Work history (4):
2022/10 - 現在 Kyoto University Institute for Research in Humanities
2017/10 - 2022/09 International Research Center for Japanese Studies Office of Digital Resources, Publications, and Public Information Assistant Professor
2016/09 - 2017/09 Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University Research Assistant
2009/04 - 2015/03 International Research Center for Japanese Studies Officer, Publications Office
Committee career (1):
2003/06 - 2005/03 北海道立近代美術館協議会 委員
Association Membership(s) (2):
, 近世京都学会