J-GLOBAL ID:200901000632689193
Update date: Nov. 19, 2024
Kobayashi Toshio
コバヤシ トシオ | Kobayashi Toshio
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Gerontological and community health nursing
Research keywords (1):
Occupational Stress / Stress Coping / Depression / International Comparative Study / Web-based learning / Job stress / Assertion / Career identity / male university student / cohort study / lifestyle / cardiovascular disease / risk factor / serum lipid / serum fatty acid / dietary habit /
Research theme for competitive and other funds (41):
- 2023 - 2027 認知症高齢者に特化した就業継続プログラムの開発に関する研究
- 2021 - 2025 Impact of remote work in a forest environment on workers' mental health and work efficiency
- 2018 - 2021 Association of sleepiness in nightwork and previous sleep, working hours, and physical activity among hospital nurses
- 2017 - 2021 看護学生のキャリア教育につながるマインドフルネスを活用したストレス対処力育成
- 2017 - 2020 Research on the factors that enable female nurses to lead active working lives
- 2016 - 2020 A longitudinal study of sleep in elderly postpartum women using the mobile application "e-mom sleep diary" developed.
- 2016 - 2020 Development of support for workers health promotion through collaboration between occupational and community health utilizing forest resources
- 2016 - 2019 Marital relationship and fertility including sexuaity of couples who have small child/children:Comparison between Japan and Finland.
- 2015 - 2019 Interdisciplinary research on policies promoting young people's migration to and permanent residence in local cities
- 2015 - 2019 Association of job type, working hours, and sleep with risk factors for errors in job among shiftworkers
- 2014 - 2019 Clarification of the structure of fatigue in shift nurses and development of a health management program
- 2014 - 2017 The effectiveness of "Interactive Experience Education for career development" program in nursing college students
- 2013 - 2017 The comfortable stimuli to older people possibly improve abnormal sleep/wake patterns followed by delirium
- 2013 - 2017 Modelling nursing competence: the exploration of its antecedents and consequences
- 2013 - 2017 Health support systems on male workers from workplace to local community focusing on social capital
- 2013 - 2017 Empirical study on shift from 16-hour night shift work to 12-hour night shift work in nurses
- 2010 - 2014 Development of Cross-sectoral Urban Planning and Management Methods Based on Life-oriented Behavioral Studies
- 2010 - 2014 Effective Method for Taking Breaks to Maintain Performance on Night Shifts
- 2011 - 2013 Longitudinal effects of playing the piano on mental health of retired, healthy, elderly
- 2011 - 2012 Development of teaching materials for sustainable ecohealth education (health and environmental education) in developing countries and Japan
- 2010 - 2012 Effects of activity care based on characteristics of elderly peoplewith dementia on their sleep/wake patterns
- 2009 - 2012 Changes in mental health status among maleJapanese workers during the transition to retirement.
- 2009 - 2011 Development of sleep promotion program for shift-workers with life-style education and its effect on sleepiness on night shift
- 2007 - 2009 Daily activities and energy expenditure of wandering elderly people with Dementia
- 2007 - 2008 An occupational nursing study on efficiency of screening for depressive state using a brief questionnaireAn occupational nursing study on efficiency of screening for depressive state using a brief questionnaire
- 2005 - 2006 Effect of Web-based Career Identity and Assertion Training for Stress Management among Japanese Nurses-A Randomized Controlled Trial-
- 2004 - 2006 A Study on Mothers' "Nurturing Power" with a Focus on Children's Acquisition of Life Skills
- 2004 - 2006 A Survey of the Sleep-wake Patterns of the Frail Elderly with Dementia and Effects of activity care on sleep-wake pattern assembling based data for effective care for sleeping through cooperation of nurses and care workers
- 2002 - 2004 International Survey Regarding Work Related Stress and the Status of Mental Health of Nurses -An Attempt to Establish an Effective Measure to Deal with Work Related Stress of Nurses-
- 2002 - 2004 Development of a brief assessment tool for stress coping profile and application to occupational mental health nursing
- 1999 - 2000 Decline in physical fitness of the elderly and its counter plan-with reference to thermoregulation, adaptation and endocrine system-
- 1998 - 2000 Insomnia in shift-workers : a survey for hospital nurses taking account of sleep environment and work stress
- 1998 - 2000 Cohort study on the relationship between lifestyles and cardiovascular risk factors in young male university students.
- 1998 - 2000 勤労者とその家族の生活リズム,ストレス状況、QoLの相互関連についての研究
- 1997 - 1999 Importance of Assessing Overall Quality of Life in the New Millennium : A Japanese Perspective
- 1997 - 1998 Comparative Human Ecology of Resource Use : Bolivia and Nepal
- 1996 - 1997 Study on the relationship between lifestyle and cardiovascular risk factors in young male university students.
- 1995 - 1996 Development of QOL (Quality of Life) Index for Healthy Life of Japanese Elderly
- 1993 - 1995 Medical Scientific Research on Highlanders in Himalayas
- 1994 - 1994 心電図波形の周波数解析を利用した運動処方の開発
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Papers (207):
小林 敏生, 落合 博子, 田淵 啓二, 乗越 健輔, 山内 加奈子, 古屋敷 明美, 安東 由佳子, 影山 隆之. 森林環境への滞在および模擬労働が労働者のメンタルヘルスと生産性に及ぼす影響. 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集. 2023. 82回. 538-538
田淵 啓二, 乗越 健輔, 古屋敷 明美, 安東 由佳子, 小林 敏生. 豊かな自然環境での滞在型転地勤務に参加した情報技術企業労働者の感想や評価のテキストマイニングによる検討. 日本ヒューマンヘルスケア学会誌. 2023. 8. 2. 21-29
Akihito Shimazu, Takeo Fujiwara, Noboru Iwata, Yoko Kato, Norito Kawakami, Nobuaki Maegawa, Mutsuhiro Nakao, Tetsuo Nomiyama, Miho Takahashi, Jun Tayama, et al. Effects of work-family life support program on the work-family interface and mental health among Japanese dual-earner couples with a preschool child: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Occupational Health. 2023. 65. 1
Survey of training needs for nursing practice and research at medical institutions in four Tokai prefectures. 2022. 28. 145-153
小林 敏生, 田淵 啓二, 乗越 健輔, 安東 由佳子, 影山 隆之, 古屋敷 明美. IT企業社員を対象とした自然豊かな地方への滞在型転地勤務がもたらすメンタルヘルスへの影響と参加者の感想. 日本ヒューマンヘルスケア学会誌. 2022. 8. 1. 52-52
MISC (74):
小林 敏生, 田淵 啓二, 乗越 健輔, 安東 由佳子, 影山 隆之, 古屋敷 明美. IT企業社員を対象とした自然豊かな地方への滞在型転地勤務がもたらすメンタルヘルスへの影響と参加者の感想. 日本ヒューマンヘルスケア学会誌. 2022. 8. 1. 52-52
小林敏生. IT企業社員を対象とした滞在型転地勤務に伴う健康改善効果の検討. 鹿児島県錦江町共同研究報告書. 2018. 1-23
Influencing Factors for Delirium-like Symptoms in Older Patients after Endoscopy with Sedation. 2017. 66. 2. 97-104
小林敏生, 古屋敷明美, 花岡匡子, 八橋孝介, 河原大陸, 上岡はつみ, 影山隆之, 張峻屹, 田渕啓二. 宿泊型の森林セラピーが心理および生理機能に及ぼす効果~抑うつの有無別の比較~. 産業衛生学雑誌. 2017. 59
小林敏生. 森林浴のすすめ. 中国新聞 フェニックス. 2016. 259. 2-7
Books (44):
シンプル衛生公衆衛生学 2020
南江堂 2020 ISBN:452423506X
Active Aging 健康管理学
八千代出版 2017 ISBN:9784842917016
QOLと現代社会 : 「生活の質」を高める条件を学際的に研究する
明石書店 2017 ISBN:9784750344669
心の健康を支える「ストレス」との向き合い方 : BSCPによるコーピング特性評価から見えること
金剛出版 2017 ISBN:9784772415347
土木学会,丸善 (発売) 2015 ISBN:9784810608502
Lectures and oral presentations (320):
(日本ヒューマンヘルスケア学会誌 2022)
(第81回 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集Page357(2022.09) 2022)
(産業衛生学雑誌 2020)
(日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 2018)
(日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 2018)
Education (3):
- 1989 - 1993 Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine
- 1981 - 1987 Chiba University School of Medicine
- 1977 - 1981 The University of Tokyo
Work history (7):
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