J-GLOBAL ID:200901001270152729   Update date: Jun. 07, 2024


Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Research field  (1): Politics
Research keywords  (5): 医療保険 ,  医療衛生行政 ,  医療政策史 ,  地域医療史 ,  Nagano Prefecture
Papers (6):
  • NAKASHIZUKA Michi. he Organization of KAWANISHI Village Cooperative for Isolation Clinic at CHIISAGATA County in Nagano Prefecture. SEIKEI KENKYU(Studies in Political Science and Economics). 2009. 46. 1. 139-163
  • NAKASHIZUKA Michi. Nagano Prefectural Government and Meiji Era Quarantine Policy: Effects on Cooperative Village Epidemic Quarantine Facilities. Studies in Political Science and Economics. 2007. 44. 1. 173-209
  • NAKASHIZUKA Michi. Epidemic Prevention Policies and Rural Isolation Facilities during the Latter Half of the Meiji Era. Studies in Political Science and Economics. 2005. 42. 2. 209-237
  • NAKASHIZUKA Michi. Two Incentives to the Development of Health Insurance Policy in Postwar Japan: Conceptual Renewal and Involvement in Party Politics. JOURNAL OF MODERN JAPANESE STUDIES No.15: The Development of Social and Economic Policies in Postwar Japan. 1993. 15. 1-42
  • NAKASHIZUKA Michi. The Politics of Health Care in 1930s Japan: the Enactment of the National Health Insurance(Kokumin-kenko-hoken) (2). TOKYO METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF LAW AND POLITICS. 1990. 31. 2. 407-467
MISC (2):
  • 中静 未知. 1930年代における医療問題の政治史的考察--国民健康保険法の成立過程を中心に-下-. 東京都立大学法学会雑誌. 1990. 31. 2. p407-467
  • 中静 未知. 1930年代における医療問題の政治史的考察--国民健康保険法の成立過程を中心に-上-. 東京都立大学法学会雑誌. 1990. 31. 1. p291-344
Books (4):
  • 近代日本教育史と川村学園
    ゆまに書房 2024 ISBN:9784843366141
  • 日本政治史の新地平
    吉田書店 2013
  • Modern Japan Cultural Studies Vol.11
    Iwanami Shoten 1999
  • The Administration and the Politics on Health Insurance in Japan, 1895-1954
    Yoshikawakoubunkan 1998
Lectures and oral presentations  (1):
  • 社会保険の組織形態と「自治的」共済組合
Education (3):
  • - 1992 Graduate School of Tokyo Metropolitan University Division of Social Sciences Politics
  • - 1989 Graduate School of Tokyo Metropolitan University Division of Social Sciences Politics
  • - 1986 Kyoto University Faculty of Law
Work history (3):
  • 2003/10 - 現在 Associate Professor, College of Law, Nihon University
  • 1998/04 - 2003/09 Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Kitakyushu
  • 1992/10 - 1995/09 Research Assistant, Faculty of Law, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Association Membership(s) (1):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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