J-GLOBAL ID:200901001285873120
Update date: Sep. 21, 2022
Umemoto Naoto
ウメモト ナオト | Umemoto Naoto
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Religious studies
Research keywords (4):
, 新約聖書学
, Hellenistic Judaism
, New Testament Studies
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- アレキサンドリアのフィロンの著作の翻訳と注釈
- Japanese Translation and Commenrtary on Books of Philo of Alexanaria
MISC (7):
Translation and commentary: De Opificio Mundi by Philo of Alexandria. The Journal of Christian studies. 2001. 44. 97-161
Translation and Commentary : Philo's of Alexandria"De opificio mundi". Kirisutokyo Ronshu, The Journal of Christian Studies. 2001. 44. 97-161
梅本 直人. 翻訳と注解 アレクサンドリアのフィロン著「フラックス」. 「基督教論集」. 2000. 43. 17-70
Translation and Commentary : Philo's of Alexandria "In Flaccum". Kirisutokyo Ronshu, The Journal of Christian studies. 2000. 43. 17-70
The Jews and the nations in the ptolemaioc Alexandria, in: ed. by Aoyamagakuin University Sogokenkyujyo, "Nationalism and Christianity" (japanese). Shinkyo Shuppann Sha. 1993. 104-136
Books (7):
新教出版社 2003
Juden, "Heiden" und das Menschengeschlecht in der Sicht Philons von Alexandria
Die Heiden, Juden, Christen, und das Problem des Fremden, T(]J1168[)bingen (J. C. B. Mour) 1994
Juden, "Heiden" und das Menschem-geschlecht in der Sicht Philons von A Exondria
Die Heiden, Juden, Christen, und das Problem des Fremden, T(]J1168[)bingen (J. C. B. Mour) 1994
Die K(]E88D8[)nigsherrschaft Gottes bei Philon
K(]E88D8[)nigsherrschaft Gottes und himmlischer kult, T(]J1168[)bingen (J. C. B. Mohr) 1991
Die K(]E88D8[)nigsherrschaft Gottes bei Philon
K(]E88D8[)nigsherrschaft Gottes und himmlischer kult, T(]J1168[)bingen (J. C. B. Mohr) 1991
Education (8):
- - 1987 チュービンゲン大学 福音主義神学 聖書神学
- - 1987 Universitaet Tuebingen Evangelische Theologie Biblische Theologie
- - 1984 Rikkyo University Graduate School of Arts
- - 1984 Rikkyo University Graduate School, Division of Letters
- - 1972 Aoyama Gakuin University College of Literature
- - 1972 Aoyama Gakuin University Faculty of Literature
- - 1970 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Law
- - 1970 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Law 政治コース
Show all
Professional career (1):
- Master (Rikkyo University)
Work history (2):
- 1987 - 1991 ドイツチュービンゲン大学 助手
- 1987 - 1991 Universit(]E88D2[)t T(]E88DB[)bingen, Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本基督教学会
, Japanese Biblical Institute
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