J-GLOBAL ID:200901001460997520
Update date: Jun. 04, 2024
Kanai Tatsuro
カナイ タツロウ | Kanai Tatsuro
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Economic doctrines and thought
Research keywords (8):
, 地方創生
, 米田庄太郎
, 安井琢磨
, 一般均衡理論形成・導入史
, 厚生経済学形成史
, J. R. Hicks
, A. Marshall
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Papers (10):
KANAI Tatsuro. Takuma Yasui's Research Notes in "Yasui Papers": Autograph Digest Part (II). Shakai Kagaku Ronshu. 2018. 155. 15-29
KANAI Tatsuro. Takuma Yasui’s Research Notes in “Yasui Papers”: Autograph Digest Part (I). Shakai Kagaku Ronshū. 2014. 143. 143. 197-210
KANAI Tatsuro. Takuma Yasui's vision on economics: general equilibrium theory in retrospect. Memoirs of the Tohoku Institute of Technology. Ser.2, Humanities and social science. 2010. 30. 30. 51-67
KANAI Tatsuro. Takuma Yasui's Unpublished Manuscript : "A Short History of Walras-Studies in Japan". The Social science review. 2009. 126. 126. 67-78
KANAI Tatsuro. J.R. Hicks' Unpublished Lecture Notes : Another Shot at Welfare Economics, Lecture II. The history of economic thought. 2007. 49. 2. 63-78
MISC (21):
Tatsuro KANAI. The List of Headings written in Lecture Notes 1-16 in “Yoneda Papers,” Owned by The Library of the Graduate School of Letters and Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University. 2024. 17. 1-9
Tatsuro KANAI. “Social Mechanics” in the Early Notes 67 by Shotaro Yoneda, Focusing Winiarsky, Pareto and Waxweiler. 2024. 16. 1-16
金井辰郎. 「米田博士講義録」ノート2: 特にWiniarskiへの言及をめぐって. Discussion Paper Series(東北工業大学ライフデザイン学部経営コミュニケーション学科). 2023. 15. 1-6
Tatsuro KANAI. The Structure of “Professor Shotaro Yoneda’s Papers” Owned by The Library of the Graduate School of Letters and Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University. Discussion Papser Series. 2022. 14. 1-10
Tatsuro KANAI. 現代若者論:「さとり」の価値観と地方創生. 2019. 13
Books (4):
ナカニシヤ出版 2021
経済学の座標軸 --馬渡尚憲先生追悼論文集
社会評論社 2016
『馬渡尚憲追悼集: 「尚学」の心』
馬渡尚憲先生追悼文集刊行会 2015
(株)学術図書出版社 2004
Lectures and oral presentations (21):
(日本コミュニケーション学会 第 53 回年次大会 2024)
(第46回仙台経済学研究会 2020)
(コメント)3-9 小峯 敦・下平裕之「量から質に迫る-テキストマイニングと経済学史の方法」
(経済学史学会第83回全国大会(福岡大学) 2019)
(仙台経済学研究会 2017)
(仙台経済学研究会 2016)
Works (2):
金井 辰郎 2018 -
2004 - 2006
Education (2):
- 1992 - 1998 東北大学大学院 経済学研究科 経済学専攻
- 1988 - 1992 Tohoku University Faculty of Economics Department of Economics
Professional career (2):
- (BLANK) (Tohoku University)
Work history (5):
- 2008/04 - 現在 Tohoku Institute of Technology Faculty of Life Design, Department of Management and Communication
- 2006/04 - 2008/03 Nagano National College of Technology General Education
- 2007/04 - 2007/09 Tohoku University Graduate School of Economics and Management
- 2001/04 - 2006/03 Nagano National College of Technology General Education
- 2000/04 - 2001/03 Nagano National College of Technology General Education
Association Membership(s) (2):
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