J-GLOBAL ID:200901001574255150
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Higo Hiroo
ヒゴ ヒロオ | Higo Hiroo
Affiliation and department:
Former Institution / Organization Kyushu University Faculty of Medical Sciences
About Former Institution / Organization Kyushu University Faculty of Medical Sciences
Search "Former Institution / Organization Kyushu University Faculty of Medical Sciences"
Job title:
Research Assistant
Research field (1):
Research keywords (7):
, 集団遺伝学
, 系統分類学
, シャーガス病
, Trypanosoma cruzi
, Parasitology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2005 - 2009 シャーガス病診断法の確立
1994 - Trypanosoma cruziの遺伝系統学的研究
Diagnostic study of Chagas disease
Genetic study of ┣DBTrypanosoma cruzi(/)-┫DB
MISC (45):
Dujdow Songthamwat, Kazuo Kajihara, Mihoko Kikuchi, Haruki Uemura, Sieu Phu Manh Tran, Tetsuo Yanagi, Hiroo Higo, Kenji Hirayama. Structure and expression of three gp82 gene subfamilies of Trypanosoma cruzi. PARASITOLOGY INTERNATIONAL. 2007. 56. 4. 273-280
M. Iwagami, H. Higo, S. Miura, T. Yanagi, I. Tada, S. Kano, T. Agatsuma. Molecular phylogeny of Trypanosoma cruzi from Central America (Guatemala) and a comparison with South American strains. PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH. 2007. 102. 1. 129-134
Hiroo Higo, Sachio Miura, Takeshi Agatsuma, Tatsuyuki Mimori, Tetsuo Yanagi, Moritoshi Iwagami, A. Rojas de Arias, Vivian Matta, Kenji Hirayama, Tsutomu Takeuchi, et al. Identification of Trypanosoma cruzi sublineages by the simple method of single-stranded conformation DNA polymorphism (SSCP). PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH. 2007. 100. 5. 1023-1031
H Higo, S Miura, M Horio, T Mimori, S Hamano, T Agatsuma, T Yanagi, A Cruz-Reyes, N Uyema, AR de Arias, et al. Genotypic variation among lineages of Trypanosoma cruzi and its geographic aspects. PARASITOLOGY INTERNATIONAL. 2004. 53. 4. 337-344
Geographic variation in genetic structure of Trypanosoma cruzi in Latin America. The bulletin of central research institute Fukuoka University. 2003. Series E: Interdisciplinary sciences, Vol.1, pp177-192
Books (1):
An atlas of electron micrographs of parasitic helminthes.
Maruzen Co., Ltd. Japan 1991
Lectures and oral presentations (7):
Identification of Trypanosoma cruzi and T. rangeli by PCR
(第76回日本寄生虫学会全国大会 2007)
Characterization of Trypanosoma cruzi isolates by PCR and SSCP
(第75回日本寄生虫学会全国大会 2006)
A proteomic approach to the identification of unique proteins exprossed in either Trypanosoma cruzi I or II
(第75回日本寄生虫学会全国大会 2006)
Genetic recombination of Trypanosoma cruzi between major lineages
(第74回日本寄生虫学会全国大会 2005)
Phylogenetic study of Trypanosoma cruzi by SSCP
(第73回日本寄生虫学会全国大会 2004)
Works (5):
2001 - 2003
2000 - 2002
2000 - 2001
Tropical discases in Latin America
2000 - 2001
1994 - 1995
Professional career (2):
(BLANK) (Kyushu University)
(BLANK) (Niigata University)
Awards (1):
2002 - 宮崎一郎奨励賞「財団」
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本進化学会
, 日本熱帯医学会
, 日本遺伝学会
, 日本寄生虫学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in
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