J-GLOBAL ID:200901001739029125
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
Takahashi Kazuhiko
タカハシ カズヒコ | Takahashi Kazuhiko
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Legal theory and history
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2022 - 2027 Pioneering a comprehensive method for humanities and social sciences in attention to the existence and disappearance of stray cats
- 2011 - 2013 The Russian jury system in comparative analysis: fluctuation of evaluation and try and error in the early stage of institutionalization
- 帝政ロシア司法制度史研究
- Studies on History of the Judiciary in Imperial Russia
MISC (6):
「司法反改革」攷. 神戸市外国語大学外国学研究所研究年報. 1998. 35. 43-133
Reconsideration on the Judicial-Counter Reform in Imperial Russia. Annuals on Foreign Studies. 1998. 35. 43-133
ソヴィエト国家と旧法曹. 1994. 56. 212-217
Soviet State and the Pre-Revolutionary Russian Lawyers. Comparative Law Journal. 1994. 56. 212-217
帝政ロシアの弁護士法制-弁護士法の起草過程と1864年司法改革-. 社会科学研究. 1990. 41. 5. 6,1-85,71-185
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 比較家族史学会
, ロシア史研究会
, 法制史学会
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