J-GLOBAL ID:200901002066844740
Update date: Jan. 18, 2006
Matsuoka Nobuyoshi
マツオカ ノブヨシ | Matsuoka Nobuyoshi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Education - general
Research keywords (2):
, Education
MISC (12):
子ども・権利・条約(その1). 美作女子大学紀要. 1992. 25
Child, rights and convention(1). BULLETIN OF MIMASAKA WOMEN'S COLLEGE. 1992. 25
児童研究運動における科学観の検討. 美作女子大学短期大学部紀要. 1985. 30
A Study of the View of "Science"in the Child Study Movement. BULLETIN OF MIMASAKA JUNIOR COLLEGE. 1985. 30
児童研究運動と進歩主義教育--アメリカ新教育の一系譜・試論--. 神奈川大学心理・教育研究論集. 1984. 2
Education (4):
- - 1980 The University of Tokyo
- - 1980 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Education
- - 1973 Shimane University Faculty of Education
- - 1973 Shimane University Faculty of Education
Professional career (1):
- (BLANK) (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (6):
Association Membership(s) (2):
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