J-GLOBAL ID:200901002347213021
Update date: Dec. 05, 2024
Takahashi Miho
タカハシ ミホ | Takahashi Miho
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Assistant Professor
Research field (1):
Clinical pharmacy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2019 - 2023 Potential of amino acid transporter as a marker for inflammation of intestinal mucosa
- 2018 - 2021 Development of a new therapeutic agent that inhibits the production of exosome-associated Shiga toxin 2
- 2015 - 2018 Development of a novel Shiga toxin inhibitor that targeting of intracellular transport of the toxin
- 2010 - 2012 Development peptide-based compounds which bind to the specific receptor-binding region of Shiga toxin B subunit
- 2008 - 2009 An orally applicable Shiga toxin neutralizer functions in the intestine to inhibit the intracellular transport of the toxin.
Papers (31):
Shinichiro Hama, Miho Watanabe-Takahashi, Hiroki Nishimura, Jumpei Omi, Masakazu Tamada, Takashi Saitoh, Katsumi Maenaka, Yuta Okuda, Aoi Ikegami, Asami Kitagawa, et al. CaMKII-dependent non-canonical RIG-I pathway promotes influenza virus propagation in the acute-phase of infection. mBio. 2024
Miho Watanabe-Takahashi, Tetsuya Tanigawa, Takashi Hamabata, Kiyotaka Nishikawa. A tetravalent peptide efficiently inhibits the intestinal toxicity of heat-labile enterotoxin by targeting the receptor-binding region of the B-subunit pentamer. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2024. 734. 150769-150769
Watanabe-Takahashi M, Kumoi K, Yamamoto H, Shimizu E, Motoyama J, Hamabata T, Nishikawa K. Tailored multivalent peptide targeting the B-subunit pentamer of Cholera toxin inhibits its intestinal toxicity by inducing aberrant transport of the toxin in cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2024. 716. 149991
Sato W, Watanabe-Takahashi M, Murata T, Utsunomiya-Tate N, Motoyama J, Anzai M, Ishihara S, Nishioka N, Uchiyama H, Togashi J, et al. A tailored tetravalent peptide displays dual functions to inhibit amyloid β production and aggregation. Commun. Biol. 2023. 6(1)383. 1. 383-383
Atsuko Deguchi, Miho Watanabe-Takahashi, Taishi Mishima, Tsutomu Omori, Umeharu Ohto, Nobuto Arashiki, Fumio Nakamura, Kiyotaka Nishikawa, Yoshiro Maru. Novel multivalent S100A8 inhibitory peptides attenuate tumor progression and metastasis by inhibiting the TLR4-dependent pathway. Cancer gene therapy. 2023. 30. 973-984
MISC (4):
村上 絵理, 福田 協平, 井深 健太郎, 高橋 美帆, 柴田 剛明, 近江 純平, 可野 邦行, 河野 望, 青木 淳賢, 西川 喜代孝. 抗A型インフルエンザウイルス活性を示す誘導性アンフィソームの形成機構の解明. 日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集. 2021. 94回. [P-903]
小川 莉奈, 長尾 耕治郎, 原 雄二, 田村 朋則, 浜地 格, 井上 飛鳥, 青木 淳賢, 高橋 美帆, 西川 喜代孝, 梅田 真郷. 4価型人工ペプチドを用いたホスファチジン酸結合プローブの開発. 脂質生化学研究. 2015. 57. 170-173
小川莉奈, 宮崎俊秀, 長尾耕治郎, 原雄二, 佐々木善浩, 秋吉一成, 稲葉岳彦, 小林俊秀, 高橋美帆, 西川喜代孝, et al. ホスファチジン酸結合性を有する4価型人工ペプチドの開発. 日本生化学会大会(Web). 2014. 87th. 2T09A-10(2P-071) (WEB ONLY)-10]
K Matsuoka, A Miyagawa, K Nishikawa, M Watanabe, Y Natori, E Kita, T Koyama, K Hatano, D Terunuma. Synthesis and biological evaluation of glycopolymer as Shiga toxin neutralizer. GLYCOBIOLOGY. 2004. 14. 11. 1194-1194
Patents (10):
P210 PH結合ペプチドおよび慢性骨髄性白血病治療薬
Lectures and oral presentations (8):
P210 BCR-ABLのPHドメインを標的とした新規ペプチド性CML治療薬の開発
(第41回日本分子生物学会 2018)
受容体結合部位を標的とした新規ペプチド性Subtilase cytotoxin阻害薬の開発
(第22回腸管出血性大腸菌感染症研究会 2018)
(第22回腸管出血性大腸菌感染症研究会 2018)
(第91回日本生化学会 2018)
RANK-TRAF6 signalを標的とした破骨細胞分化制御ペプチドの開発
(第91回日本生化学会 2018)
Education (2):
- 2003 - 2006 Hoshi University
- 2001 - 2003 Hoshi University
Professional career (2):
- 博士(薬学) (星薬科大学)
- 修士(薬学) (星薬科大学)
Work history (2):
- 2007 - 2008 同志社大学工学部環境システム学科特別研究員
- 2003 - 2007 国立国際医療センター研究所臨床薬理研究部流動研究員
Awards (1):
- 2012 - 腸管出血性大腸菌感染症研究会 奨励賞
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