Research field (7):
Structural and functional materials
, Composite materials and interfaces
, Inorganic materials
, Metallic materials
, Machine elements and tribology
, Design engineering
, Machine materials and mechanics
2001 - 2003 Microscopic Fracture Mechanics Study on Mechanisms of Small Fatigue Crack Propagation by Micro Beam X-ray Stress Evaluation
2000 - 2002 Study on development of fatigue life prediction system based on neutron strain scanning method
2000 - 2001 組識制御された超微細粒鋼の疲労破壊機構の解明とモデル化
2000 - 2001 偏光顕微ラマン分光法によるセラミックス多結晶のマイクロ応力解析
1998 - 2000 微小部X線応力測定に基づく金属基複合材料の疲労損傷検出システムの開発
1998 - 1999 粒子分散型複合材料における高疲労特性発現機構モデルの構築
1998 - 1999 多孔質セラミックスの疲労損傷機構の力学的モデリング
1997 - 1999 Development of nondestructive evaluation system of fatigue damage by neutron diffraction
1997 - 1999 Mesomechanics of nucleation and propagation of small fatigue cracks in metal matrix composites
1995 - 1996 Development of High Precision System of Neutron Residual Stress Measurement
1995 - 1996 Meso-Mechanical Analysis of Fatigue Crack Propagation in CFRP under Mixed-Mode Loading
1995 - 1995 金属基複合材料における疲労損傷の非破壊計測
1991 - 1991 半導体レーザによる微小疲労き裂の開閉口挙動の動的連続観察
1989 - 1990 Fracture Mechanics- and Image Processing-Aided Assessment of Fatigue and Fracture Toughness of Austempered Ductile Cast Iron
Evaluation of strength of thin films
Propagation and Non-Propagation of Small Fatigue Crackes
Evaluation of strength of composite materials
Stress and Strain Analysis by Diffraction Method
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Papers (324):
K. Tanaka, Y. Akiniwa. Determination of cyclic R-curve for predicting short fatigue crack growth. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2024. 133. 104544-104544
K. Tanaka, Y. Akiniwa. The cyclic R-curve method for predicting fatigue crack growth threshold based on modified strip-yield model of plasticity-induced crack closure under fully reversed loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2023. 284. 109194-109194
K. Tanaka, Y. Akiniwa. Fatigue thresholds of precracked specimens predicted by modified strip-yield model for plasticity-induced crack closure. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2022. 122. 103635-103635
Michiaki Kamiyama, Kazuteru Shimizu, Yoshiaki Akiniwa. Prediction of low-cycle fatigue crack development of sputtered Cu thin film using deep convolutional neural network. International Journal of Fatigue. 2022. 162. 106998-106998
Michiaki Kamiyama, Kazuteru Shimizu, Yoshiaki Akiniwa. Estimation of low-cycle fatigue damage of sputtered Cu thin films at the micro scale using deep learning. Mechatronics. 2021. 78. 102606-102606
AKINIWA Yoshiaki, KURIBAYASHI Kazuhisa. OS0605 Influence of Strain Distribution on Diffraction Profile of polychromatic X-rays. 2013. 2013. "OS0605-1"-"OS0605-3"
TANAKA Keisuke, TOKORO Shohei, KOIKE Yuuki, EGAMI Noboru, AKINIWA Yoshiaki. OS1816 A New X-Ray Method of Residual Stress Measurement of Short-Fiber Reinforced Plastics. 2013. 2013. "OS1816-1"-"OS1816-3"