J-GLOBAL ID:200901002490588095
Update date: Nov. 16, 2005
Sato Toshikazu
サトウ トシカズ | Sato Toshikazu
Affiliation and department:
MISC (9):
The practice of the special class for the pre-kidergarten children and their parents as a supporting activity of child care thier pleasure and trouble of child care in the impression of uses of picture book. Japan society reseach on early childhood care and education
The trial of the management for guardian meeting by uses of picture book. Japan society research on early childhood care and education
The practice of playing Judo in the kindergarten. Japan society of research on early childhood care and education
子育て支援としてのおやこ教室の実践 絵本の感想にみられた子育ての楽しみや悩み. 日本保育学会. 56・882-883
絵本を利用した保護者懇談会運営の試み. 日本保育学会. 56・880-881
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