J-GLOBAL ID:200901002533131884
Update date: Sep. 22, 2022
Nakamura Takahiko
Nakamura Takahiko
Papers (34):
Takahiko Nakamura, Narong Touch. Changes in Physical Caharacteristics of Bamboo in Response to its Degradation in Water and Soil Environments. International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development. 2019. 10
Narong Touch, Takahiko Nakamura, Tadashi Hibino. Change in the State of Organic Matter Present in Sediment by Different Methods of Electrokinetic Treatment. International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development. 2019. 10
Shafiquliah Rahmani, Takahiko Nakamura, Machito Mihara. Analyzing Water Harvesting Potentials in Zoned Areas in Qargha Reservoir Watershed. International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development. 2019. 10
Abdul Malik Dawlatzai, Machito Mihara, Takahiko Nakamura, Shafiqullah Rahmani. Erosion Control by Amending Soil with Gypsum in the Dawlatzai Village of Gardez District, Afghanistan. International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development. 2018. 9. 2. 1-7
Toru Nakajima, Takahiko Nakamura, Machito Mihara. Soil Health Assessment of Soil under MIScanthus giganteus Cultivation. International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development. 2018. 9. 1. 119-123
MISC (9):
Tomonori Fujikawa. Studies in Tokyo NODAI for Desaster Restoration After the Great East Japan Earthquake (jointly worked). Water, Land and Environment Engineering. 2014. 84. 6. 505-508
水資源開発戦略構築調査検討委員会. 水資源開発戦略構築調査委託事業報告書. (財)日本農業土木総合研究所. 2004
霞ヶ浦用水地区畑地灌漑調査委員会. 水利施設における水質変動の評価と予測(その2)-用水システム内外での水質変動予測-. 霞ヶ浦用水地区畑地灌漑施設等調査研究報告書. 2002. 56-86
霞ヶ浦用水地区畑地灌漑調査委員会. 用水システム内外での水質変動予測の検討. 霞ヶ浦用水地区畑地灌漑施設等調査研究報告書. 2001. 73-84
東京農業大学ビオトープ研究グループ. 水質調査. 圃場整備におけるビオトープの形成追跡調査. 2000. 32-46
Books (10):
新版 地域環境科学概論(共著)
理工図書 2014 ISBN:9784844608257
我が国における食料自給率向上への提言 PART-2 (共著)
筑波書房 2012 ISBN:9784811904016
東京大学出版会 2011 ISBN:9784130720649
東京大学出版会 2011 ISBN:9784130720649
食と農と資源 環境時代のエコ・テクノロジー (共著)
共立出版 2010 ISBN:9784320057074
Lectures and oral presentations (13):
Changes in Physical Characteristics of Bamboo Responding to its Degradation in Water and Soil Environment
(The 10th International Conference on Environmental and Rural Development 2019)
(平成25年度農業土木学会全国大会講演会 2013)
(平成20年度農業土木学会全国大会講演会 2008)
(平成18年度農業土木学会全国大会講演会 2006)
(平成17年度農業土木学会全国大会講演会 2005)
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