2006 - 2006 Comparative Study on the Government and Private Sector Relationship In the Modern Economic Growth of China and Japan
2004 - 2006 Major development in western China and the transformation of local communities
2004 - 2005 中国の「西部大開発」と地域社会の変容
2000 - 2004 中国の近代経済成長と構造変化に関する数量的・総合的分析:日本との比較発展史
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Papers (20):
Jun Xue, Jianwen Ji, Renping Hao. Empirical analysis on SDGs of Chinese fishery industry: Research on the effect of fishery industry policy from the perspective of enterprises. 2022. 56. 164-179
Hao Renping. Impacts and issues of poverty programs by the Chinese government according to research data. Annual Journal of the Asian Cultures Research Institute, Toyo University. 2008. No. 42. 265-271
Hao Renping(co-author. Research on poverty programs in inland China. Annual Journal of the Asian Cultures Research Institute, Toyo University. 2007. No. 41. 203-277
, アジア政治経済学会
, 中国経済経営学会
, Socio-Economic History Society
, Japan Association for Asian Studies
, Japanese Research Association for Chinese Economy