Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
2023 - 2028 Quantitative Analysis of Public Policy in a Depopulating Society: From the Viewpoints of Welfare Evaluation and Future Population Levels
2020 - 2025 Quantative Analysis on Demographic Dynamics and Intergenerational Income-Class Mobility by an Overlapping-generations Model with Endogenous Fertility
2015 - 2019 Welfare Analysis of Public Policy by an Overlapping-generations Model with Endogenous Fertility
2011 - 2015 Welfare Analysis of Tax and Social Security Systems in Aging and Depopulating Societies
2007 - 2010 Tax and Social Security Policies in Aging Societies
2003 - 2006 A quantitative analysis of the tax and social security systems in an aging Japan
2001 - 2002 少子高齢化社会における租税・社会保障政策
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Papers (28):
Akira Okamoto. The Optimum Quantity of Debt for an Aging Japan: Welfare and Demographic Dynamics. The Japanese Economic Review. 2024. 75. 4. (in press)
Akira OKAMOTO. Pension Reform for an Aging Japan: Welfare and Demographic Dynamics. Okayama University Discussion Paper. 2024. No. I-118
Akira Okamoto. Intergenerational earnings mobility and demographic dynamics: Welfare analysis of an aging Japan. Economic Analysis and Policy. 2022. 74. 76-104
Akira Okamoto. Immigration Policy and Demographic Dynamics: Welfare Analysis of an Aging Japan. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies. 2021. 62. Article-101168
Okamoto Akira. Introduction of Progressive Expenditure Taxation to Japan. Okayama economics review. 2005. 36. 4. 555-563
Okamoto, A. Comments on “Effect of Economic Crisis on Income Distribution in Korea” by Professor Jun Young Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea). 「ラウンドテーブル:財政の効率性・公平性について」報告書 第4章 内閣府経済社会総合研究所. 2002
Okamoto Akira. Income Distribution and Tax Reforms in Aging Japan. Okayama economic review. 2000. 32. 2. 243-282
Tax Policy for Aging Societies: Lessons from Japan
Springer 2004
Tax and Social Security Reforms in an Aging Japan
Okayama University Economic Research Series No. 29 2003
Lectures and oral presentations (27):
Pension Reform for an Aging Japan: Welfare and Demographic Dynamics
(AGI (Asian Growth Research Institute) Seminar 2024)
Simulating the Comprehensive Effects of Intergenerational Earnings Mobility in an Aging Japan
(The International Symposium on Business and Economic Studies 2019)
The Optimum Quantity of Debt for a Depopulating and Aging Japan: Welfare Level or Future Population?
(The 13th Irvine-Japan Conference on Public Policy, Irvine 2017)
Child Allowances and Public Pensions: Welfare Effects and Political Feasibility of Reforms in a "Silver Democracy"
(International Symposium on "Demography and Pensions" 2015)
Child Allowances and Public Pension: Welfare Effects of their Reforms and Political Feasibility under the "Silver Democracy"
(関西公共経済学研究会 2015)
- 1997 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Economics
- 1995 Kyoto University
- 1995 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Economics
- 1989 Kyoto University Faculty of Economics
- 1989 Kyoto University Faculty of Economics
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Professional career (2):
Ph.D. (Economics) (Kyoto University)
Master (Economics) (Kyoto University)
Work history (2):
2007/10 - - 岡山大学社会文化科学研究科 教授
1997 - - Professor,Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences,Okayama University
Committee career (2):
2024/10 - 岡山県 事業評価委員会 委員長
2022/04 - 2024/03 岡山県 税制懇話会 委員
Awards (3):
2016 - 日本学術振興会 「有意義な審査意見を付した科研費審査委員」として表彰される
2015 - 安倍フェロー
2010 - Fulbright Fulbright Award
Association Membership(s) (7):
, 日本経済学会
, International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF)
, Japan Fiscal Science Association
, Japanese Economic Association
, Japan Fiscal Science Association
, Japanese Economic Association