J-GLOBAL ID:200901003648012311
Update date: Nov. 12, 2024
Kogawa Hiroyuki
コガワ ヒロユキ | Kogawa Hiroyuki
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Machine materials and mechanics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2011 - 2015 Comprehensive study on mercury cavitation by proton beam-induced pressure waves and its mitigation techniques
- 2008 - 2010 Elucidation on microbubble mitigation mechanism for pressure waves induced by proton beam bombardment
- 2005 - 2006 Development of damage mitigation technique on liquid/solid interface by microbubble
Papers (76):
Ariyoshi Gen, Saruta Koichi, Kogawa Hiroyuki, Futakawa Masatoshi, Maeno Koki*, Li Y.*, Tsutsui Kihei*. Effect of inner wall cracking on the cavitation bubble formation in the mercury spallation target at J-PARC. Proceedings of 20th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-20) (Internet). 2023. 1407-1420
Haga Katsuhiro, Kogawa Hiroyuki, Naoe Takashi, Wakui Takashi, Wakai Eiichi, Futakawa Masatoshi. Development of the high-power spallation neutron target of J-PARC. Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet). 2022. 13
Wakui Takashi, Wakai Eiichi, Kogawa Hiroyuki, Naoe Takashi, Hanano Kohei*, Haga Katsuhiro, Shimada Tsubasa*, Kanomata Kenichi*. New design of high power mercury target vessel of J-PARC. Materials Science Forum. 2021. 1024. 145-150
Naoe Takashi, Kinoshita Hidetaka, Kogawa Hiroyuki, Wakui Takashi, Wakai Eiichi, Haga Katsuhiro, Takada Hiroshi. Effect of gas microbubble injection and narrow channel structure on cavitation damage in mercury target vessel. Materials Science Forum. 2021. 1024. 111-120
Naoe Takashi, Kogawa Hiroyuki, Wakui Takashi, Teshigawara Makoto, Haga Katsuhiro, Futakawa Masatoshi. Pressure wave induced sound measurement for diagnosing the operation status of the J-PARC pulsed spallation neutron source. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A. 2020. 982. 164566\_1-164566\_6
MISC (62):
Naoe Takashi, Wakui Takashi, Kinoshita Hidetaka, Kogawa Hiroyuki, Teshigawara Makoto, Haga Katsuhiro. Technical note for the cavitation damage inspection for interior surface of the mercury target vessel, 2; Damage depth measurement for cavitation erosion. JAEA-Technology 2023-022. 2024. 81
Kogawa Hiroyuki, Futakawa Masatoshi, Haga Katsuhiro, Tsuzuki Takayuki*, Murai Tetsuro*. Optimization of mercury flow with microbubbles in the target-vessel design by means of machine learning. JAEA-Technology 2022-023. 2022. 128
Naoe Takashi, Kinoshita Hidetaka, Wakui Takashi, Kogawa Hiroyuki, Haga Katsuhiro. Technical note for the cavitation damage inspection for interior surface of the mercury target vessel, 1; Development of specimen cutting machine for remote handling. JAEA-Technology 2022-018. 2022. 43
粉川広行, 川島広之, 有吉玄, 涌井隆, 猿田晃一, 直江崇, 羽賀勝洋, 二川正敏, 祖山均, 久慈千栄子, et al. R&D on Mercury Target for Spallation Neutron Source to Improve the Durability under High Power Operation (1) Mechanism of Damage Mitigation Effects by Gas Bubbles and Damage Observation Results. 日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM). 2022. 2022
原田正英, 粉川広行, 直江崇, 涌井隆, 羽賀勝洋, 明午伸一郎, 大井元貴, 高田弘. J-PARC核破砕中性子源における陽子ビームの形状及び入射位置の変化が水銀ターゲットの核特性及び構造強度に及ぼす影響(2)水銀ターゲットにおける核発熱及び中性子実験装置へ供給する冷熱中性子強度. 日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM). 2018. 2018. ROMBUNNO.2A19
Patents (7):
Lectures and oral presentations (72):
Damage inspection of mercury target vessel operated at 1 MW in J-PARC neutron source
(16th International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology (IWSMT-16))
Effect of inner wall penetration on the flow field in double-walled structure channel
(International Workshop on Advanced Experimental Mechanics for Students and Young Researchers 2023 (IWAEM'23))
Updates on the operation of the MLF neutron target at J-PARC and perspectives for future operation
(8th High Power Targetry Workshop (HPTW2023))
Present status of cavitaion damage mitigation techiques for the mercury target veesel of J-PARC pulsed spallation neutron source
(8th High Power Targetry Workshop (HPTW2023))
Effect of the inner wall damage on a flow field in a double-walled structure mercury target
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本実験力学会
, 材料学会
, 日本機械学会
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