Tsutomu Fujita. Acquisition of behavioral chains in golden hamsters. Medicine and Biology. 2003. 146. 6. 93-98
Tsutomu Fujita. Music discriminations by golden hamsters. Medicine and Biology. 2002. 144. 5. 153-156
Tsutomu Fujita. On the relation between the number of children's walking steps in the kindergarten and their ways of going to kindergarten. The journal of Movement and health education. 1996. 6. 1. 51-54
Tsutomu Fujita. The obsevation of preschool children's behavior using momentary time sampling as an observational system. The journal of movement and health education. 1996. 6. 1. 1-7
Tsutomu Fujita, Makoto Kawashima. On the system of selecting candidates recommended from their high schools for the department of early childhood education. Japanese journal of Applied Psychology. 1995. 20. 20. 49-54