J-GLOBAL ID:200901003999450528
Update date: Sep. 02, 2022
Hoshino Suzu
ホシノ スズ | Hoshino Suzu
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
Art history
, Aesthetics and art studies
Research keywords (2):
, History of Japanese paintings from the 17th to 19th Centuries
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 南画史(特に大雅・蕪村)における王維の意味の再検討
- 貫名海屋の研究
- Study of the meaning of W(]J1101[)ng W(]J1117[)i on Taiga and Buson.
- Study on NUKINA Kaioku.
MISC (5):
三十六詩仙図帖、宇治茶摘み図巻、省亭花鳥画譜、海舶来禽図禽彙、魚海譜、絵本勲功草. 勉誠出版『チェスター・ビーティー・ライブラリー 絵巻絵本解題目録』. 2002. 164-166. / , 214-216. / , 281-282. / , 298-299. / , 300-301
HOSHINO Suzu. The Screen Painting Mt. Fuji by Tani Buncho. 2001. 1273. 1273. 26-30
貫名海屋筆「江山図屏風」. 國華. 1999. 1244. 24-29
蕪村の夜. 日本の美学 ペリカン社. 1995. 23
The night on Buson. The Aesthetics of Japan PERIKAN-SHA. 1995. 23
Books (4):
新潮美術文庫13 新潮社 1996
"series of art"13 SHINCHO-SHA 1996
「玉堂」(水墨画の巨匠第13巻)講談社 1994
Meaning of Gyokudo's landscape
"Gyokudo" (great master of Sumi-e) KODAN-SHA 1994
Education (2):
- - 1977 Tokyo University of the Arts
- - 1977 Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School, Division of Fine Arts
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (1):
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