2006 - 2010 Dynamic Transport of ion with fast charge exchange spectroscopy
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Papers (177):
S. Masuzaki, M. Shoji, F. Nespoli, R. Lunsford, G. Motojima, M. Yajima, M. Tokitani, T. Oishi, T. Kawate, M. Goto, et al. Glow Discharge Boronization and Real-Time Boronization Using an Impurity Powder Dropper in LHD. Nuclear Materials and Energy. 2025. 42. 101843-101843
Keigo YOSHIMURA, Hiroyuki TAKAHASHI, Ryota NISHIMURA, Tomoya HARA, Shigetaka KAGAYA, Tetsutarou OISHI, Akinobu MATSUYAMA, Kenji TOBITA. Contribution of Hydrogen Molecular Activated Recombination to Plasma Particle Loss in DT-ALPHA. Plasma and Fusion Research. 2025. 20. 1401015
Ryota Nishimura, Tetsutarou Oishi, Izumi Murakami, Daiji Kato, Hiroyuki A. Sakaue, Hayato Ohashi, Shivam Gupta, Chihiro Suzuki, Motoshi Goto, Yasuko Kawamoto, et al. Evaluation of Spatial Profile of Local Emissions from W17+-W23+ Unresolved Transition Array Spectra. Atoms. 2025. 13. 2. 21
Tomoko Kawate, Motoshi Goto, Tetsutarou Oishi, Yasuko Kawamoto, Ichihiro Yamada, Hisamichi Funaba, Hiromi Takahashi. Detection of electron temperature anisotropy by an x-ray crystal spectrometer in the Large Helical device. Physica Scripta. 2025. 100. 3. 035612-035612
Motoshi GOTO, Kunpei NOJIRI, Joseph John SIMONS, Tomoko KAWATE, Tetsutarou OISHI, Eiichi YATSUKA, Yuto YANAGIHARA, Mitsutaka ISOBE, Yoshihiko NUNOYA. Influence of Stark Broadening on Ion Temperature Measurement for ITER Divertor Diagnosis. Plasma and Fusion Research. 2025. 20. 2401012
ASHIKAWA Naoko, OISHI Tetsutarou, KAWATE Tomoko, HUANG Jie, SUZUKI Yasuhiro, SAKAMOTO Mizuki, HU Zhenhua, ZHOU Haishan, LUO Guangnan, OHDACHI Satoshi. Report on Collaboration Works of JSPS Bilateral Joint Research Projects. Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research. 2023. 99. 5. 215-223
増崎貴, 増崎貴, 大石鉄太郎, 大石鉄太郎, 小林政弘, 小林政弘, 向井清史, 向井清史, 田中宏彦, 本島厳, et al. Research Highlights from Initial Phase of the LHD Deuterium Experiment: 3.3: Isotope Effects on Edge and Divertor Plasma, and PWI in LHD. プラズマ・核融合学会誌. 2021. 97. 3
Liu Y., Morita S., Ohishi T., Murakami I., Goto M., Huang X. L., Zhang H. M. 22aAD-9 Study of temporal behavior and spatial distribution of tungsten ions based on EUV spectroscopy. Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2016. 71. 961-961
Oishi Tetsutarou, Morita Shigeru, Dai Shuyu, Kobayashi Masahiro, Kawamura Gakushi, Huang Xianli, Zhang Hongming, Liu Yang, Goto Motoshi, the LHD Experiment group. 22aAD-11 Correlation between flow of carbon impurities and impurity screening effects in the ergodic layer of LHD. Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2016. 71. 963-963
Huang X. L., Morita S., Oishi T., Murakami I., Goto M., Zhang H. M., Liu Y. 22aAD-10 Impurity transport analysis of LHD plasmas with hollow density profile using Fe n=3-2 Lα transition array. Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2016. 71. 962-962
Recent progress in observation of emission spectra of tungsten ions in low to intermediate charge state range in a fusion plasma experiment
(26th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes (ICSLS 2024) 2024)
Spectroscopic observation of high-Z multiple charged ions in the visible, VUV, EUV, and X-ray wavelength ranges in high-temperature fusion plasma experiments
(International Conference on Atomic, Molecular, Material, Nano and Optical Physics with Applications (ICAMNOP-2023) 2023)
Spectroscopic observation of W0 to W46+ tungsten impurity emission in visible, VUV, EUV and X-ray wavelength ranges in the Large Helical Device
(The 15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC15) 2022)
2023/11 - 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP2023) AAPPS-DPP Poster Prize Line emission spectra of tungsten impurity ions across visible, VUV, EUV, and X-ray wavelength ranges observed in a magnetically confined high-temperature plasma experiment
2022 - Plasma Science and Technology Plasma Science and Technology 2021 highlight papers Line identification of boron and nitrogen emissions in extreme- and vacuum-ultraviolet wavelength ranges in the impurity powder dropping experiments of the Large Helical Device and its application to spectroscopic diagnostics
2021 - IOP Publishing IOP Outstanding Reviewer Award Outstanding Reviewer for Plasma Science & Technology in 2020
2020 - IOP Publishing IOP Trusted Reviewer IOP trusted reviewer status in recognition of an exceptionally high level of peer review competency
2005 - PPCF Student Poster Prize at the 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics BES on Compact Helical System for Density Fluctuations with Edge Transport Barrier Formation
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Association Membership(s) (4):
The Physical Society of Japan
, The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research
, The Atomic Energy Society of Japan
, The Optical Society of Japan