J-GLOBAL ID:200901004703395302
Update date: Aug. 04, 2022
Gonzales Bantolino Hazel
ヘイゼル ゴンザレス バントリノ | Gonzales Bantolino Hazel
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Specially Appointed Associate Professor
MISC (5):
HB Gonzales, K Takyu, H Sakashita, Y Nakano, W Nishijima, M Okada. Biological solubilization and mineralization as novel approach for the pretreatment of food waste. CHEMOSPHERE. 2005. 58. 1. 57-63
NISHIJIMA Wataru, B. GONZALES Hazel, SAKASHITA Hideki, NAKANO Yoichi, OKADA Mitsumasa. Improvement of Biological Solubilization and Mineralization Process for Food Waste. Journal of Water and Environment Technology, in press. 2004. 2. 2. 57-64
Food Waste Mineralization and Accumulation in Biological Solubilization and Composting Processes. In Preparation
Oil in Food Waste and Amount Biodegraded at Various Loading. In preparation
Effect of Variation and Removal of Support Media on the Biological Solubilization Process for Food Waste. In preparation
Professional career (3):
- Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (University of the Philippines at Los Ban os)
- Master of Science in Agricultural Chemistry (minor in Environmental Science) (University of the Philippines at Los Ban os)
- Doctor of Engineering (Hiroshima University)
Work history (1):
- Ritsumeikan University Institute of Science and Engineering College of Science and Engineering Foreign Language・General Education Lecturer
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