J-GLOBAL ID:200901004749044962
Update date: Sep. 27, 2024
Narita Shintaro
ナリタ シンタロウ | Narita Shintaro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
associate professor
Research field (1):
Research keywords (3):
robotic surgery
, 腹腔鏡手術
, 泌尿器癌
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13):
- 2021 - 2025 免疫チェックポイント阻害薬の治療有効性・抵抗性の要因評価~宿主腫瘍HLA環境解析
- 2022 - 2025 腸内細菌叢変化を介したT細胞を中心とした前立腺癌抗腫瘍免疫環境制御
- 2019 - 2022 高脂肪食摂取下の前立腺癌進展における腸内細菌と脂肪炎症による癌浸潤免疫細胞制御
- 2016 - 2019 化学内分泌療法抵抗性前立腺癌におけるステロイドホルモン受容体の役割
- 2015 - 2018 Establishment of novel therapeutic system for renal cell carcinoma by pahrmacogenomics and transcriptomics
- 2013 - 2016 高脂肪食摂取下の前立腺癌増殖・進展におけるmicroRNAの役割 研究課題
- 2012 - 2015 Diet-induced macrophage inhibitory cytokine 1 and prostate cancer progression.
- 2012 - 2015 Identification of molecules involved in progression of prostate cancer and construction of risk prediction model using SNP array
- 2011 - 2013 Molecular Analysis of Rare Renal Cell Carcinoma and Identification of Molecular Therapeutic Targets
- 2011 - 2012 脂肪組織由来MCP-1 を介した高脂肪食摂取下の前立腺癌増殖・進展機序の解明
- 2009 - 2011 Exploratory study of prognostic and therapeutic target moleculars in advanced prostate cancer
- 2009 - 2010 高脂肪食、肥満下の前立腺癌発症・進展におけるヘッジホッグーGLI伝達経路の役割
- 2005 - 2006 Cavernous nerve regeneration by biodegradable alginate gel sponge sheet placement without sutures
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Papers (302):
Kazuyuki Numakura, Ryoma Igarashi, Makoto Takahashi, Taketoshi Nara, Sohei Kanda, Mitsuru Saito, Shintaro Narita, Takamitsu Inoue, Takenori Niioka, Masatomo Miura, et al. Influence of genetic polymorphisms in vascular endothelial-related genes on the clinical outcome of axitinib in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Cancer biology & therapy. 2024. 25. 1. 2312602-2312602
Tokiyoshi Tanegashima, Masaki Shiota, Takahiro Kimura, Dai Takamatsu, Yoshiyuki Matsui, Akira Yokomizo, Ryoichi Saito, Shuichi Morizane, Makito Miyake, Masakazu Tsutsumi, et al. Prognosis based on postoperative PSA levels and treatment in prostate cancer with lymph node involvement. International journal of clinical oncology. 2024. 29. 10. 1586-1593
Kazuyuki Numakura, Yuya Sekine, Takahiro Osawa, Sei Naito, Ojiro Tokairin, Yumina Muto, Ryuta Sobu, Mizuki Kobayashi, Hajime Sasagawa, Ryohei Yamamoto, et al. The lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio as a significant inflammatory marker associated with survival of patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated using nivolumab plus ipilimumab therapy. International journal of clinical oncology. 2024. 29. 7. 1019-1026
Tokiyoshi Tanegashima, Masaki Shiota, Nobuhiro Fujiyama, Shintaro Narita, Tomonori Habuchi, Genshiro Fukuchi, Dai Takamatsu, Yoshinao Oda, Hideaki Miyake, Masayuki Takahashi, et al. Effect of HLA Genotype on Anti-PD-1 Antibody Treatment for Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma in the SNiP-RCC Study. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 2024. 213. 1. 23-28
Masaki Shiota, Dai Takamatsu, Yoshiyuki Matsui, Akira Yokomizo, Shuichi Morizane, Ryoichi Saito, Makito Miyake, Masakazu Tsutsumi, Yoshiyuki Yamamoto, Kojiro Tashiro, et al. Prognostication in Lymph Node-Positive Prostate Cancer with No PSA Persistence After Radical Prostatectomy. Annals of surgical oncology. 2024. 31. 6. 3872-3879
MISC (382):
小林瑞貴, 沼倉一幸, 関根悠哉, 武藤弓奈, 佐藤博美, 山本竜平, 奈良健平, 齋藤満, 成田伸太郎, 羽渕友則. 画像上副腎皮質癌が疑われたが,組織学的に腎癌と診断された2例. 日本内分泌外科学会雑誌. 2024. 41. Supplement 1
加藤大, 小林瑞貴, 沼倉一幸, 関根悠哉, 提箸隆一郎, 武藤弓奈, 佐藤博美, 嘉島相輝, 山本竜平, 奈良健平, et al. 当科における進行性尿路上皮癌に対するEnfortumab Vedotinの初期使用成績. 日本泌尿器科学会東部総会プログラム・抄録集. 2023. 88th (CD-ROM)
降幡研吾, 齋藤満, 青山有, 高橋佳子, 関根悠哉, 提箸隆一郎, 小林瑞貴, 嘉島相輝, 山本竜平, 奈良健平, et al. プロテインC活性低下を伴う免疫学的ハイリスク症例に対し生体腎移植を施行した1例. 東北腎不全研究会プログラム・抄録集. 2023. 49th
成田 伸太郎, 齋藤 満, 羽渕 友則. 【新規保険収載ロボット支援手術手技を極める】ロボット支援腎尿管全摘除術. 泌尿器外科. 2022. 35. 9. 954-959
天野 賢士, 嘉島 相輝, 小泉 淳, 南條 博, 赤井 太郎, 明円 真吾, 安達 尚宣, 川村 貞文, 山本 竜平, 奈良 健平, et al. Carney複合に合併した難治性性索間質性腫瘍の1例. 泌尿器外科. 2022. 35. 9. 1021-1021
Education (1):
- 1994 - 1999 Akita University School of Medicine
Awards (17):
- 2023/04 - IJU reviewers of the year 2021
- 2022 - Asian-Pacific Congress of Robotic Laparoscopic Surgery Best Presentation Award of the ACRLS 2022
- 2022 - 第60回日本癌治療学会学術集会 優秀演題賞
- 2021 - IJU reviewer of the year 2020
- 2021 - 日本泌尿器内視鏡・ロボティックス学会 ロボット支援手術研究助成A
- 2021 - 37th Korea Japan urological congress Best Presentation Award
- 2020 - IJU reviewer of the year 2019
- 2019 - IJU reviewer of the year 2018
- 2018 - IJU reviewer of the year 2017
- 2017 - Suzuki Urological Fund
- 2017 - 日本泌尿器科学会総会賞
- 2015 - IJU reviewer of the year 2014
- 2013 - Research encouragement award of Uehara Memorial Fundation
- 2012 - Excellent Presentations at the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Clinical Oncology
- 2012 - The Japan Society of Clinical Oncology Research Encouragement Prize
- 2010 - Japanese Urological Association Young research grant
- 2007 - Canadian Urology Research Consortium and Canadian Urological Oncology Group Young Investigator Award 2007
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