J-GLOBAL ID:200901005424634220
Update date: Nov. 27, 2024
Kashima Megumi
カシマ メグミ | Kashima Megumi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (4):
Education - general
, Foreign language education
, Japanese language education
, Linguistics
Research keywords (4):
Teaching Japanese as a foreign language
, Sociolinguistics
, Discourse analysis
, Japanese Language Education for Young People
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2020 - 2025 Interdisciplinary Empirical Research Project on Disfluent Utterance Patterns
- 2023 - 2024 シリコンアイランド九州の中心で外国人材の受入れ・共生を支える教員等養成・研修プログラム@教職大学院
- 2005 - 2006 A Study on the Perception of Foreignness and Linguistic / Interactional Adjustment of Native Japanese Speakers in Contact Situations
- 1997 - 2000 Discourse Construction Processes in Contact Situations between Native and Non-Native Japanese Speakers
- 1992 - 1995 The Mechanism of Communication Behavior in Directives
Papers (24):
Kashima, Megumi. Polysemy and Network Structure of the Japanese Word Chotto : An Analysis of the Corpus of Daily Japanese Conversation. Kumamoto University Studies in Social and Cultural Sciences. 2023. 21. 19-38
Megumi Kashima. トラブル解決の談話構造と解決策提案のための相互作用. Kumamoto University Studies in Social and Cultural Sciences. 2017. 15. 153-181
Megumi Kashima. A Study on the Cognitive Conceptualizations and the Interactional Structures between Participants in the Task-oriented Japanese Dialogue of “Giving Directions”. 2014
Megumi Kashima. Examination of Expressions of Reference Points in Direction-giving: Focusing on the Early Phase of the Discourse. Kumamto University studies in social and cultural sciences. 2013. 11. 73-92
Megumi Kashima. Shift in Focus and Transfiguration of a Client's Identity during Telephone-Advising Sessions. Kumamoto University Studies in Social and Cultural Sciences. 2012. 10. 99-118
MISC (8):
Megumi Kashima, Sachiko Yoshisato, Kiyomi Katayama, Shoko Akaki. The Process of developing Japanese reading comprehension materials aimed at bridging the gap into the Natural Sciences -Advantages and difficulties of using a Japanese Text Readability Measurement System. 2024. 16. 28-36
Megumi Kashima. Practical Application of the Interview Survey Project in an Online Class: A Trial in an Advanced Japanese Oral Expression Class [Report]. Academic Japanese Journal. 2021. 13. 1-9
Megumi Kashima. 第2回 公開授業研究会 実施報告 ー初級日本語「聴解・会話」クラスの場合-. 2006. 1. 83-95
Megumi Kashima. 日本語授業の一般公開の試み -公開授業研究会「初級日本語授業の実際」ー実施報告. 2005. 7. 105-120
Megumi Kashima. Necessity of and Problems with a Support System to Help with Rough Drafts for Japanese Speech Contests. BULLETIN OF CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS MIE UNIVERSITY. 2002. 4. 87-99
Books (17):
Let's Learn Together Mieko-san's Japanese, 3rd ed.
MIEF 2024 ISBN:9784990661533
Fluency and disfluency
Hitsuji shobo 2024 ISBN:9784823412080
Let's Learn Together Succeeding Mieko-san's Japanese, 3rd ed.
2023 ISBN:9784990661526
新版 いっしょに まなぼう みえこさんの にほんご 指導のアクセス
新版 いっしょに まなぼう みえこさんの にほんご れんしゅうちょう2
2008 ISBN:9784990303532
Lectures and oral presentations (8):
Polysemy, meaning and function of the Japanese word “kou” in Everyday Discourse
The functions of 'kou' in everyday discourse and its potential incorporation in the classroom syllabus
Polysemy and Disfluency of the Japanese Word "Chotto" in Everyday Discourse
(The 47th Research Conference: The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences 2023)
Nichijo danwa ni okeru chotto no kino [Functions of 'chotto' in everyday discourse]
(The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language Spring Conference. 2022)
How to teach naturally disfluent conversations - focusing on ‘chotto’ in Japanese beginners’ textbooks
(5th branch meeting, Kansai branch of the Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language 2022)
Education (4):
- 2010 - 2014 Kumamoto University Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences
- 1992 - 1996 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Education
- 1990 - 1992 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Education
- 1986 - 1990 Hiroshima University School of Education
Professional career (2):
- M.A. in Educathion (Hiroshima University)
- 博士(文学) (熊本大学)
Work history (4):
- 2024/04 - 現在 Sojo University Center for Education and Innovation Professor
- 2024/10 - 2024/10 Kumamoto University Graduate School of Education
- 2023/08 - 2024/03 Kumamoto University Graduate School of Education Professor, Project Faculty
- 2020/04 - 2023/07 Kumamoto University Headquarters for Admissions and Education, Center for International Education
Awards (1):
- 2024/11 - Kumamoto University 2024 Educational Activity Award, General Award, Grand Prix
Association Membership(s) (7):
, 第二言語習得研究会
, Academic Japanese Group
, 社会言語科学会
, 日本語教育学会
, 日本言語学会
, 表現学会
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