J-GLOBAL ID:200901006802342833
Update date: Sep. 13, 2022
Ozaki Toshimasa
オザキ トシマサ | Ozaki Toshimasa
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (5):
, Business administration
, Safety engineering
, Social systems engineering
, Statistical science
Research keywords (6):
, 経営工学
, 経営情報
, OR
, Management Engineering
, Management Information
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
- 2002 - 2003 自治体の政策評価におけるAHPの有効性に関する研究
- 2002 - 2003 Study on Effectiveness of Urban Public Policies with AHP
- 2003 - 生産管理システムに関する研究
- 2003 - Research on Production Management System
- 2001 - 企業組織のNPO的側面とIT技術の活用に関する研究
- 2001 - Side of NPO of the enterprise and study on the use for IT
- 1999 - 情報化投資の効果分析法に関する研究
- 1999 - Measuring of Information Technology Investment
- 1997 - エネルギー供給におけるパワーマネージメントシステムの研究
- 1997 - Study on Power Management System in electric power-market
- エネルギーと通信システムの相似性に関する研究
- 企業内情報システムの生産性評価に関する研究
- Research on similarity between Energy Distribution and communication Systems
- Research on Evaluation of Productivites in Information Systems
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MISC (29):
candidate Site Selection Evaluation of "Aichi Exposition 2005". Journal of Japanese Symposium on The Analytic Hierarchy Process. 2007. 1. 61-73
Evaluating of Development Techniques in Information System Developments. Journal of Japanese Symposium on The Analytic Hierarchy Process. 2007. 1. 23-35
情報システム開発手法に関する評価モデルの開発. 名古屋学院大学論集. 2007. 44. 1. 17-31
尾崎 都司正, 桃沢 宗夫, 横山 剛. 情報化投資の費用便益分析. 名古屋学院大学論集. 2006. 42. 3. 109-120
企業戦略からみたEXPO2005の候補地選定と経済政策. 名古屋学院大学年報. 2005. 18. 1-22
Books (5):
日科技連 2007
晃洋書房 2003
New Management
Koyoh Press. 2001
日科技連出版社 2000
Theory and Practice on AHP
JASE Press. 2000
Works (4):
2004 -
2001 -
2001 -
Meaning of Aichi Expo (Chunichi Newspaper regional economic version)
Education (4):
- - 1976 Doshisha University
- - 1976 Doshisha University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- - 1974 Doshisha University
- - 1974 Doshisha University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (2):
- (BLANK) (Doshisha University)
- (BLANK) (Doshisha University)
Work history (6):
- 1996 - 2001 (株)関西新技術研究所 主席研究員
- 1996 - 2001 Kansai Research Institute, Principal Researcher
- 2001 - - 名古屋学院大学教授、大学院教授
- 2001 - - Nagoya Gakuin University, Professor
- 1985 - 1996 (株)OGIS総研 主任研究員
- 1985 - 1996 Research Institute of OGIS, Senior Researcher
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Committee career (2):
- 2004 - 8th International Synposium on AHP Internation Organizing Commitee
- ISAHP:International Organizing Committee
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 経営情報学会
, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会
, Japan Society for Management System
, Operations Research Society of Japan
, 8th International Synposium on AHP
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