HARA Yukiko. A Further Discussion “zai V zhe”ーCharacteristics observed from the comparison of Japanese and Chinese. Journal of Chinese Grammar. 2015. 2015年巻. 第4期. P.19-P.41
HARA Yukiko. Emotional expression and Causative sentence-to observe its characteristics from Japanese and Chinese comparison. Journal of Chinese Grammar. 2014. 2014巻. 第3期. P.26-P.41
HARA Yukiko. On the Differences between jixu V,V xiaqu and xiaquーFeature in contrast with Japanese. Journal of Chinese Grammar. 2013. 2013年巻. 第2期. P.168-P.187
HARA Yukiko. On the Differences between jixuV,Vxiaqu and jixuVxiaqu. Journal of Chinese Grammar. 2012. 2012巻. P.137-P.152