IWABUCHI Yoshimi. Children's P lay using Tablets in nearby Forest. 2021. 21. 2. 52-62
IWABUCHI Yoshimi. Children's Play using ICT Equipment in Early Childhood Education : System Development of Familiar Natural Animals and Plants Picture Book and Practice of Play using Tablet. 2020. 20. 43-52
Yoshimi Iwabuchi. Approach to energy and environmental activities in hotels. Heian Jogakuin University journal. 2008. 9. 9. 23-32
Yoshimi Iwabuchi, Yuko Murakami, Susumu Tohno, Mikio Kasahara. End-Use Metering and Analysis of Appliance Electricity Consumption in an Economy Hotel. Kyoto University 21COE, The 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Energy System. 2004. 101
A Study on the Childcare Support Program in a Kindergarten Visit. 2015. 43. 33-41
Isono Makiko, Iwabuchi Yoshimi, Inoue Yoko. A Case Study in Constructing Safety Maps in a Kindergarten Adjacent to Satoyama (Rural Forest). 2014. 42. 23-28
Iwabuchi Yoshimi, Kaneko Mari. Analysis of Student Self-Evaluation in Teaching Practice at Kindergartens. 2014. 42. 54-61
Iwabuchi Yoshimi, Isono Makiko, Inoue Yoko. Risk Management during Natural Disasters in a Kindergarten Adjacent to Satoyama (Rural Forests). 2014. 42. 37-42
Iwabuchi Yoshimi. A Survey of Students Consciousness to Biotope in an Early Childhood Care and Education Course. 2012. 40. 9-13
C-18 Monitoring and Analysis of Electric Consumption at the Guest Rooms of an Economy Hotel in Winter
(Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2004)
Investigation of Water Consumption at the Guest Rooms of a Hotel
(Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 2003)