Kaminaga Masanori, Kusunoki Tsuyoshi, Tsuchiya Kunihiko, Hori Naohiko, Naka Michihiro. Decommissioning of JMTR and study for construction of a new material testing reactor. IAEA-TECDOC-1943. 2021. 45-56
Kaminaga Masanori. Technical information exchange with Asian countries. Genankyo Dayori. 2014. 258. 5-9
Tsuchiya Kunihiko, Nishikata Kaori, Tanase Masakazu*, Shiina Takayuki*, Ota Akio*, Kobayashi Masaaki*, Yamamoto Asaki*, Morikawa Yasumasa*, Takeuchi Nobuhiro*, Kaminaga Masanori, et al. $^{99}$Mo-$^{\rm 99m}$Tc production process by (n,$\gamma$) reaction with irradiated high-density MoO$_{3}$ pellets. Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Material Testing Reactors (ISMTR-6) (Internet). 2013. 9
Kollryd T.*, Romas A.*, Porter-Peden M.*, Takemoto Noriyuki, Kimura Nobuaki, Ooka Makoto, Kaminaga Masanori, Ishitsuka Tatsuo*, Tamura Kazuo*. Development of simulator for materials testing reactors; Model overview. Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Material Testing Reactors (ISMTR-5) (Internet). 2012. 9
Tsuchiya Kunihiko, Tanase Masakazu*, Takeuchi Nobuhiro*, Kobayashi Masaaki*, Hasegawa Yoshio*, Yoshinaga Hideo*, Kaminaga Masanori, Ishihara Masahiro, Kawamura Hiroshi. Development of $^{99}$Mo-$^{\rm 99m}$Tc domestic production with high-density MoO$_{3}$ pellets by (n,$\gamma$) reaction. Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Material Testing Reactors (ISMTR-5) (Internet). 2012. 10
Current status of research and development relating to irradiation tests and necessity of domestic materials testing reactor, 1-1; Consideration for the modality of a new irradiation testing reactor
Feasibility study for constructing new materials testing reactor following JMTR
Research and development of $^{99}$Mo/$^{99m}$Tc production process by (n,$\gamma$) method
(10th Vietnam/Japan Research/HRD Forum on Nuclear Technology)
For succession and development of test techniques on materials irradiation research, 1; Activities for succession of irradiation test and post irradiation examination techniques at JAEA
Qualification and techniques for irradiation in JMTR
(Reactor Irradiation Rig Development, Instrumentation and Qualification Workshop)