Toshiaki Yamai. Easternization? A Historical Perspective. The Ritsumeikan Economic Review. 2016. 64. 6. 121-129
Toshiaki Yamai. The "Metropolitan Region": A Farewell to a Decentralized Regional Structure? Regional Policy in Germany since the 1990s. Konan Economic Papers. 2015. 55. 3/4. 47-62
Metropolitan Regions and Municipal Autonomy: Regional Policy in Germany since the 1990s
(International Symposium: Crisis of Democracy? Chances, Risks, and Challenges - A comparison between Japan (Asia) and Germany (15-17 March, 2018. Osnabrück/Germany) 2018)
Easternization? Reascendance of East Asia in a Historical and Societal Perspective
(Japan-Romania-Cross Point in a Global Context 2016)
Easternization? A Historical Perspective
(The 10th International Conference on the "Regional Innovation and Cooperation in Asia" 2015)
The "Metropolitan Region": A Farewell to a Decentralized Regional Structure? Regional Policy in Germany since the 1990s
(The 9th International Conference on the "Regional Innovation and Cooperation in Asia" (RICA) 2014)