J-GLOBAL ID:200901007935973905   Update date: Sep. 10, 2022

Iwashima Tatsuya

イワシマ タツヤ | Iwashima Tatsuya
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (3): Atmospheric and hydrospheric science ,  Disaster prevention engineering ,  Environmental dynamics
Research keywords  (7): 自然災害科学 ,  気象・海洋物理・陸水学 ,  環境動態解析 ,  Natural Disaster Science ,  Oceanography and Hydrology ,  Meteorology ,  Environmental Dynamic Analysis
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 大気メタンの動態と全球的・地域的気候環境の観測的研究
  • Observational Studies on Atmospheric Methane and Global and Regional Climate Environment
MISC (66):
Books (3):
  • Meteorology
    Lake Biwa. Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Holland 1984
  • Wind and temperature chauges over Eurasia during the onset and withdrawal of the summer monsoon 1979
    Proceedings of the Fist Sino-American Workshop on Mountain Meteorology,18-23 May 1982, Beijing. China. 1983
  • Change in sunface air temperature averaged over the Northern Hemisphere during the years 1951-1972
    Climatic Change and Food Production, University of Tokyo Press 1978
Education (4):
  • - 1972 Kyoto University
  • - 1972 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
  • - 1967 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
  • - 1967 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
Professional career (2):
  • Doctor of Science (Kyoto University)
  • Master of Science (Kyoto University)
Committee career (3):
  • 2000 - 2004 日本気象学会 全国理事
  • 1998 - 2002 日本気象学会 支部常任理事(支部長)
  • 1978 - 1986 日本気象学会 学会誌編集委員,支部 常任理事
Association Membership(s) (1):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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