J-GLOBAL ID:200901008041498292
Update date: Aug. 18, 2022
Mitsuyama Masao
ミツヤマ マサオ | Mitsuyama Masao
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Affiliation and department:
Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine Medicine
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Detailed information
Job title:
Research field (2):
, Bacteriology
Research keywords (4):
, 細菌学
, Immunology
, Bacteriology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
Immune response against infection with intracellular bacteria
Virulence factors of intracellular bacteria
Papers (102):
MITSUYAMA Masao. survival strategy of intracellular parasitic bacteria inside macrophages. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. 2016. 259. 5. 560-565
MITSUYAMA Masao. Current status of vaccine development for tuberculosis. 2016. 145. 5. 960
Yuto Kochi, Atsushi Miyashita, Kohsuke Tsuchiya, Masao Mitsuyama, Kazuhisa Sekimizu, Chikara Kaito. A human pathogenic bacterial infection model using the two-spotted cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus. FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS. 2016. 363. 15
Masanori Hashino, Masato Tachibana, Takashi Nishida, Hideki Hara, Kohsuke Tsuchiya, Masao Mitsuyama, Kenta Watanabe, Takashi Shimizu, Masahisa Watarai. Inactivation of the MAPK signaling pathway by Listeria monocyto genes infection promotes trophoblast giant cell death. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 2015. 6. e1145
Satoshi Nakamizo, Gyohei Egawa, Michio Tomura, Shunsuke Sakai, Soken Tsuchiya, Akihiko Kitoh, Tetsuya Honda, Atsushi Otsuka, Saeko Nakajima, Teruki Dainichi, et al. Dermal V gamma 4(+) gamma delta T Cells Possess a Migratory Potency to the Draining Lymph Nodes and Modulate CD8(+) T-Cell Activity through TNF-alpha Production. JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY. 2015. 135. 4. 1007-1015
MISC (84):
リステリオシンによるTh1サイトカイン産生誘導. Annual Review 免疫2004. 2004. 224-239
Enhanced resistance to gram-positive bacterium and increased susceptibility to bacterial endotoxin in mice sensitized with Propionibacterium acnes. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology. 2004. 42. 4. 001-007
T Kimoto, Kawamura, I, C Kohda, T Nomura, K Tsuchiya, Y Ito, Watanabe, I, T Kaku, E Setianingrum, M Mitsuyama. Differences in gamma interferon production induced by listeriolysin O and ivanolysin O result in different levels of protective immunity in mice infected with Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria ivanovii. INFECTION AND IMMUNITY. 2003. 71. 5. 2447-2454
T Kimoto, Kawamura, I, C Kohda, T Nomura, K Tsuchiya, Y Ito, Watanabe, I, T Kaku, E Setianingrum, M Mitsuyama. Differences in gamma interferon production induced by listeriolysin O and ivanolysin O result in different levels of protective immunity in mice infected with Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria ivanovii. INFECTION AND IMMUNITY. 2003. 71. 5. 2447-2454
T Mitsui, S Watanabe, Y Taniguchi, S Hanada, Y Ebihara, T Sato, T Heike, M Mitsuyama, T Nakahata, K Tsuji. Impaired neutrophil maturation in truncated murine G-CSF receptor-transgenic mice. BLOOD. 2003. 101. 8. 2990-2995
Books (19):
結核 改訂版
医薬ジャーナル社 2017
医薬ジャーナル社 2016
別冊 日本臨牀 感染症症候群
日本臨牀社 2013
医薬ジャーナル社, 2001
感染と生体防御 (共著)
岩波講座 現代医学の基礎 岩波書店 東京,11 2000
Lectures and oral presentations (10):
特別講演:感染症へのアプローチ - 基礎と臨床の連携の将来像
(第65回日本感染症学会東日本地方会学術集会 2016)
(大分久遠会第4回セミナー 2015)
(第82回日本細菌学会北海道支部総会 2015)
(第20回学士会関西茶話会 2015)
(新潟大学医学研究科大学院特別セミナー 2014)
Education (2):
- 1973 Kyushu University School of Medicine
- 1973 Kyushu University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
Doctor of Medicine (Kyushu University)
Work history (4):
1987 - 1998 Niigata University Faculty of Medicine
1987 - 1998 Niigata University School of Medicine, Professor
1983 - 1987 Kyushu University School of Medicine
1983 - 1987 Kyushu University School of Medicine Associate Professor
Committee career (5):
2001 - 日本結核病学会 理事
1993 - 1995 日本細菌学会 評議員,理事
1995 - 実験結核研究会 幹事
1990 - 日本生体防御学会 運営委員,理事
1988 - 日本免疫学会 評議員
Awards (1):
1999 - 小島三郎記念文化
Association Membership(s) (7):
, American Society for Microbiology
, 日本結核病学会
, 日本感染症学会
, 日本生体防御学会
, 日本免疫学会
, 日本細菌学会
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