- 2001 - 青年期女子の生活習慣と骨密度に関する研究
- 2001 - Internelations between the Life style and Bone Mineral Density in Adolescent women
- 看護大学の組織運営に関する研究
- 看護職の職業アイデンティティに関連する研究
- 国立の看護婦養成所に配置されている専任副学校長の役割-教官が指導を受けている内容と副学校長への期待-
- 国立病院・療養所附属看護(助産)学校職員の業務の実態と認識の分析及び基準に関する研究
- Study of professional identity as nurse
- Roles of full-time vice-director at national training schools of nursing : what does she instruct the staff and what is expected from her?
- Analysis of Present of tasks of the school staff, their understandings and their task standards, at the schools of nursing/nurse midwifery attacked to national hospitals and sanatosrium hospital
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