J-GLOBAL ID:200901008097758793
Update date: Mar. 19, 2024
サエグサ ケンジ | SAEGUSA KENJI
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (4):
Communication and network engineering
, Communication and network engineering
, Electrical power engineering
, Electrical power engineering
Research keywords (5):
Electromagnetic wave shielding
, Electromagnetic wave absorbing
, Antenna
, Radio applivations
, Architectural EMC
Papers (26):
Tadashi Takano/Kenji Saegusa/Kuniaki Shibata/Yuhei Kaneda/Yasuyuki Miyazaki/Yuta Araki. Novel phased-array antenna with stepped deployment to overcome container size limitation. Acta Astronautica. 2022. 192. 113-121
Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Wave Shielding and Absorbing Technology. Journal of the Surface Finishing Society of Japan. 2019. 70. 11. 534-539
Kazuhiko Kobayashi/Kentaro Murayama/Maya Yasuda/Kenji Saegusa. Basic Study on the Anechoic Chamber for Receiver Evaluation of the Next Generation Wireless Communication Terminal. Wiley Publishers, Electronics and Communication in Japan, Part 1. 2017. 137. 1. 1-14-45
柴田 国明/三枝 健二/高野 忠. A Prototype and Study of Partially Driven Array Antenna Using Balanced Line Coupling. 電子情報通信学会論文誌B. 2017. J100-B. 9. 876-879
柴田 国明/宇野 孝/三枝 健二/高野 忠. Analysis of an Electromagnetic Wave Beam Focused with a Phased Array Antenna. 電子情報通信学会論文誌B. 2017. J100-B. 3. 245-252
MISC (13):
Patents (1):
Books (11):
Introduction to the Architectural Electromagnetic Environment for Students of the Department of Architecture
Standard for method of measuring the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of architectural shielded enclosures at a construction site
日本建築学会 2017 ISBN:9784818936294
技術情報協会 2016
科学情報出版 2013 ISBN:9784904774083
現代電子情報通信選書「知識の森」 電子システムの電磁ノイズ-評価と対策-
オーム社 2012 ISBN:9784274213120
Lectures and oral presentations (394):
How to Reduce the Number of Radiating Elements in a Plural Circular Array Antenna
Study of the Probability of Reception of Radio Emissions Produced by Metal Collisions
An Analytical Study on Spatial Performance Estimation Method of a Shielding Room -Effects on Measurement Results Caused by Scanning Position Error-
Study on the Reducing Methods of the Influence of Non-evaluated Defects in the Performance Estimation of Electromagnetic Shielded Room Doors -In the case of Evaluation Frequency of 2.0GHz and 3.5GHz-
Radiation Characteristics of a Multiple Folding Array Antenna with Hexagonal Panels
Education (2):
- - 1987 Nihon University Graduate School of Science and Technology Electronic Engineering
- - 1985 Nihon University College of Science and Technology Department of Electronic Engineering
Association Membership(s) (5):
'Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering''
, Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
, Architectural Institute of Japan
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